Dear Benjamin,
Your daddy and I cannot believe how fast your first month went! We already can't imagine our lives without you! We think you are the sweetest little guy. You are very easy going and only seem to get upset if you are hungry. You are not a huge fan of diaper changes, but lately you have been getting through those without a peep! You love listening to mommy sing, even though I don't have the greatest voice. You haven't shown too much interest in your puppy, but she seems to like you, even when you cry. Your favorite thing is bath time! You can be squaking away, but the second we put you in the tub, you are a happy little guy! You just sit there wide-eyed, looking around, looking content. We have seen a few smiles here and there, but we are waiting for them to be more purposeful. You are slowly getting the hang of nursing, which will be nice so your momma can stop pumping every 3 hours, all day and all night! You will never go hungry, baby boy! You weigh 6# 13 ounces, which is quite a lot considering you barely weighed 5# when we brought you home from the hospital. Overall, you are just the best baby ever! Daddy and I say that all of the time. I could write about you forever! I love you so much! Here are some highlights from your first month:
10/9/2012--Your first dinner out! I was nervous but you were SO good! |
Unfortunately, I only kept up with the chalkboard for the first month. |
You sure love getting clean! |
Cutest pumpkin ever!! |
Good thing you weren't big enough to want to pick a pumpkin. They were ALL rotten so we had to buy pumpkins that were already picked. We will go elsewhere next year. :) |
Skele-Ben! |