Dear Ben,
Happy 8 months, Ben! These months seriously FLY BY!
GENERAL: You are about 15 pounds, I believe. I'm not quite sure about the length 26 inches, maybe? You are turning into such a little boy right before our eyes! You continue to be your laid back, content self. I got to celebrate my first official mother's day! You and daddy were so good to me! The day started with a delicious breakfast of my favorite--banana pancakes! You also got me a perfect gift-- camera classes so I can learn how to use our nice camera. We then went over to great grandma's house where you were the center of attention (as always), and you showed off your crawling moves. We then went home and daddy prepared another wonderful meal for the Nanas. You were a little angel, as you always are, the entire weekend. It was perfect!
EATING: You are still doing well with your half breast milk/half formula bottles. I am barely even able to pump enough to keep up with this routine! You typically have 6-7 oz at a time and you have about 5 bottles a day. You are still waking up for a bottle in the night. I am wondering if you really need this, but I like to make sure you get all the calories you can get! You are eating more of the baby foods too. Fruits seem to be more popular than veggies, but you do pretty well with everything! You are still not a fan of puffs but you kind of like those mum mum crackers. By the way, no teeth yet!
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Check out those poses. |
SLEEP: Your sleep schedule and patterns are getting better and better. You are having rare (as in, every 3-4 weeks) nights where you will sleep through the night, but you still get up once a night. The times vary, but lately it has been in the midnight range. We have been letting you squawk a little bit, and you will often go right back to sleep. You are getting better at putting yourself to sleep, too. You still like to be rocked/sung to, but if we put you down when you are ALMOST asleep, you will let out a few cries, but you quickly roll to your tummy/knees (your favorite sleep position) and will go right to sleep. You have been waking up a little before 6:00 which is pretty good! You like to be entertained in the morning, which makes it challenging for mommy and daddy to get ready, but as long as you are watching us, you're pretty content. You aren't as fascinated by the hair dryer as you once were, but if you get to play with something special that isn't a toy (my hairbrush, the TV remote, parts from my pump), you are very happy. You are often down for a nap before I even leave for work in the morning! I obviously like to spend every waking moment with you before work, but I like being able to put you down for your nap too.
FINE/GROSS MOTOR: You began crawling about a week or two before your 8 month birthday! You get faster and faster by the day! You are so determined to get what you want. You are even starting to pull yourself up on things too. This seemed to happen overnight! You're almost able to go from crawling back to sitting, I'm sure you will be doing this any day now! You continue to love toys that shake, especially your maraca! You still like to put anything and everything into your mouth. We need to do some serious baby-proofing!
COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: You are really perfecting that squeal (AHHHHH with varied pitches), along with any noise you can make with your tongue. You are LOUD, but we love it! You have yet to say "mama" or "dada" (or anything that resembles a word, for that matter), but we're working on it. You will go back and forth with us, "talking" like we are having very important conversations. (We are.) You love to laugh, smile, and socialize, though you seem to like being with mommy and daddy the best! We try to only let you use your pacifier for sleeping or when we are out and you are crabby. (You are rarely crabby.) The second I yank that thing out of your mouth, you are searching all over for it. Your eyes light up when you finally find it, but you are pretty easily distracted so you do just fine without it.
I love you forever and ever!! XOXO