Thursday, July 23, 2015

CAMPING: Or Something Like That

As part of Andy's Father's Day gift, we got Andy a 6 person tent.  He loves camping and only has a 2 person tent, so it was inevitable that we would get a bigger tent someday.  Since he's such a fabulous dad, I was feeling extra generous and I agreed to go camping with an almost 7 month and almost 3 year old.  Although the trip had been planned for months, I would be lying if I said we were extremely prepared.  We did know that we would need to pack a lot of stuff, so we borrowed Andy's mom's Subaru Forrester.  (We're in discussions about getting a minivan!)  I wish I would have taken a picture because it was truly packed to the brim.  Our iPad had been in hibernation for awhile, so it was like a brand new toy for Ben.  Thankfully, both of the boys actually slept for the majority of the trip.

It took us just under 2 hours to get there, and our first stop was at the local Walmart.  (Next time, we will shop and get everything we need BEFORE we hit the road.  I forgot to mention that it was hot outside, VERY, VERY hot!

The more we walked around the store, the more we realized we still needed a lot of stuff!  $170 (and 3 battery operated fans) later, we were back on our way.  Because it was so hot, we decided to eat lunch somewhere with air conditioning.  It was already after 1:00 by this time.  We decided to stop at Pizza Hut!  Yum!  I don't think there are any Pizza Huts in our area anymore, and I have such happy memories of personal pan pizzas and Book It! as a kid, so I was a happy camper.  (Pun intended.)  Ben seemed to be happy too, eating his fries…

We kissed the air conditioning goodbye before heading to our camp site.  I'm pretty sure that by this point, it was at least 85 degrees with 94% humidity.  Andy put up the tent while I lathered the boys with sunscreen and bug spray.

Ben was pretty excited about the tent!

What you can't see in these pictures is that it was approximately 150 degrees in the tent, with the sun beating in on one side.  So sweaty, yet so cute.  I could kiss that little face all day.  

We hung out at our campsite for awhile and after we realized naps were not going to happen, we decided to go on a hike.  

Josh's chair has truly been a lifesaver.  It probably cost more than our other 3 camp chairs combined, but you can't put a price on convenience!  I think Josh agrees. 

Or he is at least humoring me.  

That Kelty carrier that Ben is in almost didn't make the cut based on it's giant size, but thankfully we had it because we thought we were going on a 0.5 mile hike to see a waterfall but it actually turned out to be a 3 mile loop.  Did I mention it was hot?  And that I was wearing flip flops?  Both boys somehow fell asleep in the sweaty conditions.  Poor Ben was practically getting whiplash while we hiked.

It was so stinking hot and dry that the waterfall wasn't as impressive as it was in the pictures we had googled earlier in the week, but it was still pretty and much cooler by the water!

By some miracle, we climbed up this random hill at the EXACT time we needed to and we ended up at our campsite.  Woohoo!  It felt like it was all uphill, but I must say it did feel good to have a pretty intense workout!  We relaxed at the campsite for a bit before we decided to go get some firewood to make a fire before dinner.  Andy offered to go alone, but I quickly reminded him that a car ride meant AIR CONDITIONING and he was crazy to think that I wasn't going to get in on that!

Ben is really in the "I don't like you taking pictures of me all the time" phase.  He's not living up to his "happy camper" shirt!

We passed the beach on our way to get firewood, so we decided to stop and check it out.  In hindsight, we should have gone to the beach MUCH earlier because I think it was like 7:00 at this point.  Ben had never been in a lake before and he LOVED it. 

Josh was a fan too!  We all were.  And because it was later in the day, it wasn't very crowded.   I'm still not sure why we decided to go hiking over swimming when it was a million degrees, but we added that to our list of "things we learned about camping with kiddos" list.  

Look at that brave boy!

Ben did not want to leave which resulted in a bit of a meltdown as we were leaving, and Josh had a dirty diaper and of course all of our supplies were back at the tent.  With 2 crabby boys, we decided to just head back to the campsite sans firewood.  Our dinner plans went from chicken on the grill to mac and cheese over the fire to leftover lunch pizza over the course of the day.  It was still light out when we got back to the campsite, and I got a sinking feeling that bedtime was going to be a task.  I looked over at our picnic table and noticed that our beautiful Pizza Hut box was on it's side.  Hmm, I thought to myself, that's weird.  I opened the box and realized it was EMPTY!  I look up and see a trail of food on the ground as well as our bag of tortilla chips.  Andy picks up the bag and says, "aww man, I really wanted chips and salsa" and he tried to pretend there wasn't a giant hole in the bag.  CAN'T FOOL ME, BUDDY.  We felt a bit defeated, but realized that it was our mistake for leaving our stuff out.  Another lesson for the list.  On to bedtime.  I can't remember exactly why I left the tent, but I went to go get something and I am faced with a GINORMOUS RACCOON EATING MY PIZZA BEHIND THE TENT.  I freaked out so Andy came out to try and scare it away.  It was not scared.  Not even close to being scared.  Mind you, it was still totally light outside at this point.  One of our camp neighbors walked by and said, "I tried to scare him away when he was on your picnic table, but he wouldn't budge."  By this time, all of our neighbors were checking out our little pet and I was NOT amused.  Andy kept telling the boys to stay in the tent and then he went and got his handy dandy knife.  I'm not sure what he was going to do with that thing, (slay the coon??) but all I could think of was that book from like 5th grade "Where The Red Fern Grows" where the raccoons attack people.  The beast finally wandered away and we were left to try and relax again.  I was suddenly wanting a fire to scare the raccoon away.  As if getting the boys to sleep wasn't hard enough before this unwelcomed guest stopped by, it was essentially impossible at this point.  None of our tricks to get them to sleep were working at all.  Ben was not impressed that we forgot to bring a bedtime book and he had no interest in listening to a made up story.  We tried and tried and tried to get them down, but it just wasn't happening.  It was still sweaty hot, light, and loud.  We debated back and forth as to whether or not we should call it quits on the whole tent deal.  I had posted a picture on Facebook and one of Andy's cousin's messaged us and offered us to stay at their house because they weren't too far away.  It was so, so, so tempting.  It was slowly getting darker, and we ultimately decided that a good night of sleep was just not going to happen.  Sadly, we packed up everything in the dark and headed home.  It was after 10:00PM and (finally) dark by the time we crammed everything in to the car.  Both of the boys were still awake at this time.  I turned the flashlight on on my phone and scanned the site before we drove away, and what do you know, the raccoon was back WITH FRIENDS!!!  They were snacking right outside where our tent had been and RIGHT near where Ben would have been sleeping!  I could not get in the car fast enough.  I felt a little bit like quitters and looking back, we probably could have toughed it out, but truth be told, I was never going to sleep comfortably with raccoons lurking near by and I know that Josh would not have slept through the night anyway.  Ben was sleeping before we even got out of the park.  Josh screamed for about 45 minutes on the way home.  We stopped to make sure there wasn't something wrong with him, and as soon as I took him out of his chair, he was just fine.  We finally arrived home slightly after midnight.  My bed never felt so good!  While I'm pretty sure Andy envisioned us relaxing around the fire with a cold beverage in hand, in reality we should have realized that that was not going to happen.  

Although I am 100% positive that the money we spent on all of this camping stuff could have afforded us the nicest hotel around, as Andy said, "we can use all of this camping stuff again!"  My vote is that the next camping trip is in our backyard….and not on the hottest day of the year…when it stays light until 9:30…without electricity….and so on.  :)  We still got to do some of the typical camping things, we just missed the main event of actually camping.  At least it didn't rain!

Monday, July 20, 2015

7 Months (7/18/2015)

7 months already?!  Joshy you are getting too big too fast!  I love every single minute with all of my boys.  I miss them so much when I'm at work.  I even miss them when they go to bed at night.  They bring me so much happiness and love everyday!

GENERAL: I love you so much, little guy!  You are seriously the sweetest, smiley-ist, wiggliest baby! I believe you are 13 pounds 9.5 ounces and I think about 25.25 inches.  This might be TMI, but you've had a rough bought of constipation these last few weeks.  It's heartbreaking!  You love food so much that I think we went overboard in feeding you.  I think we are almost back to a good place though.  Phew!

SLEEP:  Your sleep has been hit or miss…mostly miss, but I won't complain. ;)  I was exhausted last week!  You were up every 2 hours almost every night!  Your usual routine is go to bed around 7:30-8:00, wake up to eat at 1:00, and then again at 5:00, and then you'll sleep until 6:30-7:00ish.  You still go down for your morning nap around 9:00 or so and then you nap in the afternoon as well.  You've gotten pretty good at putting yourself to sleep when you go down awake BUT you also learned how to pull yourself to a standing position and then you get stuck up there.  You'd rather climb than sleep.  I think you're going to take after Ben!

EATING: You still love your food!  We are doing the baby food pouches, but we also started a few more solids like cheerios and those cheese puff things and yogurt (well, the non-dairy, non-yogurt) melts.  You love them all.  As mentioned above, you've been a little constipated, so we've backed off the of the yogurt and we've been more on the prunes!  We've also given you sips of prune juice and water to help move things along!  You love to suck on fruits like watermelon and cantaloupe.  You're nursing when I'm home and taking breast milk bottles when I'm gone.  I wish you would drink more milk, but it is usually 2, 4-5oz bottles when I'm gone.

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: You are so fun!  You babble and squeal a lot!  I wonder if you will be the talker that your big brother is!  You seem to be recognizing daddy and me more and you've always been recognizing your brother!  You don't like to be left alone in a room.  If you're quiet, we can pretty much guarantee you're up to trouble. :)

FINE/GROSS MOTOR: You're on the move!  You've been real crawling for a week or 2 now and you have no intention of slowing things down.  You are now pulling yourself up on to everything and making me very nervous that you're going to fall!  You've taken a few steps when in a standing position, but you sometimes get stuck and you sometimes fall.  (But never seem to cry when you fall!  I want to!)  You are feeding yourself like it's your job.  Ben left a plate of goldfish on the table tonight, and you slide the plate over and helped yourself.  (Until I stopped that!)

And last but not least, 2 videos of my 7 month old and my 2 year 10 month old love bugs.

Next up will be our first attempt at camping.  It was too good not to document the details.  ;)

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Our July 4th Weekend

I'm a week late, but better late than never!  We had such a fabulous 4th!  Long weekends are always my favorite weekends, but this one was extra good!  Since the 4th was on a Saturday this year, I got Friday off.  (Woohoo!)  Andy worked a half day, so the boys and I went strawberry picking with my mom and Anna in the morning.  The season is essentially over, and I didn't want to miss out on one of my favorite summer activities!  I'm so glad my mom and sister were there!  It's harder than I though to carry a baby and bend down to pick strawberries.  ;)  I'm going to let the pictures do the talking.  There's a lot of 'em!

We missed Andy, but we still had a blast!  Josh loved his first strawberry!  Though we have yet to find a food he doesn't love. :)

The weather was perfection on Friday, so we decided to go to my cousin Jim's pool in the early evening.  It was Josh's first dip in the pool.  We think he liked it!  Our time at the pool started out with a scare though.  Andy and I were putting sunscreen on Josh, and Ben saw a ball in the pool that he apparently needed.  He walked down the steps and just kept going.  Andy jumped in to get him immediately, but it was still awful!  He was scared too and kept saying, "sorry, daddy!"  It was not a great start to our first pool trip of the summer, but it was all good after this.

We got up bright and early on Saturday morning.  We had to plan for the parade!  Andy went ahead to save a spot for us.  Both boys were still sleeping when he left!  We had been going to our current city's parade for the past several years, but this year, we went to the parade that I went to as a kid.  (aka the best parade!)  It went in the reverse order this year, which threw me off a bit, but it was still great!

Ben is not a fan of loud noises, so he was less than excited when the parade started with ambulances and fire trucks!

He recovered quickly.  I'm sure the donut helped.

Gosh I love him so much.  I couldn't pick a favorite pic.  Josh was an absolute angel during the parade.  Well, and all the time.  

After the parade, it was nap time for the boys before the next round of fun.  After their power naps, we went to the park where they always have games and other activities going on for the kids on July 4th.  It is right behind my mom's house, so we walked there from her house.  Ben was more interested in playing with the balls that he brought though.  :)

This is the life!

It was another picture perfect day.  After our trip to the park, we went to dinner at the racquet club with my mom, John, Anna, and Chad.  It was a fabulous spread.  Of course, Ben was more interested in the desserts and the other kids.  He watched the kids in the pool for almost the entire time.  

I most definitely could not pass up a festive drink!

We attempted a family picture after dinner.  Too bad I have no idea how to photo shop the boys heads so I could have 2 smilers.  Cute nonetheless!

All of the following pictures make me laugh…  At least I was photo ready the entire time.  Hah!  Better luck next year!  Or I'll learn to photoshop. 

After Ben's huge dinner of 3 bites of fruit, he was ready to swim.  Everyone else was eating dinner, so he had the pool almost to himself.  He got in some quick relaxing with Josh first. 

But this guy isn't one to sit back and watch, so it was pool time for him!  After a quick flex break, that is.

A pool + a basketball + daddy?  This is what Ben's heaven looks like. 

We were undecided all day as to whether or not we were going to go to the fireworks.  Ben did NOT enjoy them last year, so we didn't know how this year would go.  He was pretty tired after his busy day, but he was still in a good mood, so we just went with it.  We went back to my mom's after swimming and used the sparklers that we traveled all over town trying to find.  Ben was only moderately interested.  

We relaxed in the backyard until it got dark out.  I don't have any pictures of the big event, but Ben did just fine.  We could see them from the backyard, so we just stayed there.  They were a little blocked by the trees, so Ben went to the park (with everyone else) while Andy and I stayed back with Josh who had finally fallen asleep in his car seat.  Ben was scared but brave!  I'm sure next year will be even better!

We didn't get home until after 10:00!!  I don't believe Ben has ever stayed up that late!  Both boys slept in!  It was amazing!  We decided to go to the pool again on Sunday.  Ben has become quite the fish in his little puddle jumper!

He even jumps off the diving board!

We ended our fabulous weekend with a house warming party at our friends' house.

Well, I'm off to bed.  I'll be back soon for Josh's 7 month update!  These months!  So fast!