GENERAL: Dear Joshy, 1 month until you are ONE! This year has gone too fast! Your sweet little personality is developing more and more everyday! You are still really, really, really attached to your momma. I only wish I could stay home with you more. Seeing you cry when I drop you off at school is heartbreaking! :( You are very loved at school though, the "favorite" of many, so I know you are in excellent hands. (You were even the only baby there last week so you got lots of attention!) I'm a
SLEEP: There is (definitely) still room for improvement in the sleep department, but I will say that this past month was better than the month before. You're still up no less than twice per night, but for the most part, thankfully, you've been going right back to sleep after you nurse. For 3 consecutive nights this past week, you woke up the INSTANT I put my head on the pillow to go to sleep which was around 11:00. Your usual wake up times are 2:00ish and then 4:30ish. As always, I want you to get every last calorie, so I don't mind feeding you during the night since you aren't eating much during the day, but sleeping through the night would be nice one of these nights! On most days, you're still taking about an hour nap in the morning and the afternoon. You seem to have a hard time calming yourself to sleep sometimes and you definitely do better when it's very dark in the room.
EATING: Your eating has been up and down. I'm almost certain you are getting no where near the minimum 16oz of milk you are supposed to get in a day. I still nurse you when I can, but when I'm at work, I'm only pumping a few ounces and I've only been able to pump once a day. I'm literally counting down the days until you can have cow's milk. And I'm really hoping you like that stuff! You still like fruit, cheese, chicken, and yogurt, though sometimes you're not interested in any of these things. It's really hard that I can't be the one feeding you everyday so that I know what you're eating (or not eating.)
FINE/GROSS MOTOR: You are such a good little walker! You can get yourself up from the ground if you fall without holding on to anything and you can take a good 20 steps or so. You seem to get better every day and are becoming more interested in walking and less interested in crawling. You do still love to climb! Ben has been really in to fort building lately, and when he pulls all of the cushions and pillows off the couch, you have an easier time climbing on up. You're actually pretty good at getting down too, and you know you should lead with your feet.
COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: It is so fun "talking" with you! You do a lot of repeating with noises that sound like the words we are saying. My favorite thing that you do these days is say "yum" every time you put something in to your mouth. I'll have to find a video to post because it is so funny. You also recently started putting the phone to your ear when we ask who's calling you. It's the cutest! You're thankfully saying "mama" more these days, but you still love to say "dada" too. You are pretty consistent with your "all done" sign and sometimes you will sign "more." You are good at praying and washing your hands on command too. You love to play with daddy and Ben when they play their silly "chase" game. You giggle and giggle and giggle when daddy chases you. I just sit back and think about how this must be what life is like with 3 boys in the house, and that it will probably only get crazier from here on out. :)
We are going to be celebrating your birthday in a few weeks and then shortly after that, you will officially become a ONE year old! I get sad when I think about how you will soon be as big as Ben and Ben will be even bigger yet! I love you and your big brother SO MUCH! I also love this video, because it shows your curious, smart little self so perfectly.