Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Baby Fish Round 3! 20 Weeks

I'm finally posting a pregnancy update!  My sister (the baby of the family) has mentioned more than once that her baby book is the least complete.  I'm here to tell you that you truly have less time after you have a baby!  And then another one.  And then another one.  ;)  That being said, I definitely could be doing a lot better with these updates, so I am going to try harder.  I really meant to start earlier, but weeks seem to fly by and here I am already past the half way point!  I've taken a few pictures here and there, but the chalkboard is officially back in action.

How far along: 20 weeks
Maternity clothes: Just got them out last week and I was again reminded of how fabulous maternity pants feel!
Best moment this week:  So my funny ultrasound story.  We decided not to find out what we are having this time around.  The plan was for Andy to say, "it's a ---!" in the delivery room.  With Josh, I accidentally saw some boy parts during the ultrasound when the tech was moving the probe around.  This time, the tech was super careful, and we both left without a clue as to whether we were having a boy or a girl.  Everything looked perfect at the ultrasound, so we were supper happy!  The next day, I emailed off some of the pictures to my family.  No sooner did I click send did my mom respond that she saw some boy parts.  I had actually just noticed the same thing in what appears to be an obvious picture of boy parts.  (On of those fancy 3D pics!)  So, thus started a discussion about boy parts versus umbilical cord.  Andy has 2 friends who are radiologists who both felt that you couldn't tell from the pictures.  Some of my medical (but not ultrasound tech) friends also feel that you definitely can't tell.  I've emailed my OB, who has yet to respond for verification.  (Probably because he thinks I'm crazy!)  So, having a healthy baby was definitely the highlight of my week, but now I'm just so curious to know if that picture does indeed show that I'm going to have a trio of boys!!
Miss anything? Not really, though I wouldn't mind a glass of wine once and awhile.  At the same time, I feel like this pregnancy is going so fast that I'll be enjoying a glass of wine in no time at all.  
Movement: I've been feeling flutters for weeks now, but I'm just starting to feel movements more consistently.  The ultrasound tech said that I have an anterior placenta, so it basically cushions the kicks so I will have to wait until they are stronger to feel them more frequently.
Sleep: Sleep has been good!  If I do wake up, it's probably from Josh crying versus anything pregnancy related. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Labor signs: No, thankfully.
Exercise: Ugh.  I need to.  Andy and I are going to start the 21 Day Fix again on Friday, making obvious adjustments for the pregnancy.
Looking forward to: I'm always looking forward to the weekend!  I had off Monday and Wednesday this week and it was AMAZING.  Something I could definitely get used to!  



Tuesday, March 29, 2016

14 & 15 Months (2/18/2016 & 3/18/2016)

Oh boy!  I'm really struggling in the blogging department.  I could come up with a million excuses--Andy was out of the country for 2 weeks, I had a lot of work to do at night, I was tired, I needed to watch Fuller House on Netflix… The list goes on and on, but I really want to get better again!  Life has been busy, but good.  I'm going to combine the last 2 monthly updates for Josh (sorry, buddy!) and then finally get started on bump posts for baby #3 (sorry, baby!).  Let's just hope they don't compare notes someday.  I think it's safe to say that the more babies I have, the less time I will have to blog!  For the record, I love all my babies equally, which is a WHOLE LOT!!  (Side note: I took the pictures on time, I'm just behind on posting them.)

GENERAL:  Josh is the happiest little guy.  He had his 15 month check up and had ear infections in BOTH ears again.  Aside from him putting his fingers in his ears on occasion, we had no idea!  Poor guy earned himself a referral to ENT and I'm guessing he will need ear tubes.  While I definitely don't want him to have to go through this, I hope it will keep him healthier and that he will eat better and his balance will be better.  He has been crashing and falling a lot lately.  So many bruises for one little body!  He had a flu bug when Andy was gone (of course!) but has otherwise been doing well.

SLEEP:  Sleep has still been fantastic around these parts!  Josh goes to bed around 7-7:30 after a book and snuggles with Ben, and he typically sleeps until around 6:00.  Sometimes it's a little earlier.  Daylight savings did not throw him off one bit!  I thought we would get an extra hour of sleep, but no such luck!  He typically sleeps through the night and it has been amazing!!  (Ahh!! He literally just started crying when I said that...)  He is still taking a nap everyday.  At school, they say he falls asleep instantly in his crib.  My only guess is because it is pretty dark where he sleeps, because he doesn't usually fall asleep for naps very quickly at home!

EATING:  Josh's eating is truly hit or miss.  Usually miss if you ask me.  Meal times stress me out like no other!  Dinner was actually good tonight because everyone was eating decent foods and I didn't have to tell Ben to get back in his chair 18 times, but that's unfortunately a rare occasion.  Josh still prefers crackers and fruit to anything else.  He ate a whole thing of string cheese tonight which was great!  We can't get him to eat meat anymore, which is frustrating.  He's still working on his whole milk and will usually have around 10oz a day, I think.  I'm still nursing him in the morning and evening as well, but there can't be much left there!

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: He's such a chatterbox lately!  I love having little conversations with him.  In baby talk, of course.  He gets really serious like he is trying to tell us something important!  He DEFINITELY knows what he wants, so I can't wait until he can tell us more.  I think he gets frustrated when we don't know what he wants.  "Ball" is his favorite word and he also says, "uh-oh" a lot and then covers his mouth with his hands like Ben always does.  It is so cute!  He's really good at following commands and is starting to point to body parts too.  He knows his nose, ears, hair, tummy, and piggies.  He loves, loves, loves to dance and it's so adorable!  He also gives the sweetest kisses and he is so gentle when we tell him to be gentle.

FINE/GROSS MOTOR:  Joshy tries his hardest to keep up with his big brother!  He is running and climbing all over the place.  He loves to do whatever Ben is doing.  I love watching them together.  He getting really good at puzzles and likes doing the puzzles Ben does, even if they have 50 pieces.  :)  He can throw and kick a ball like a champ.  I wonder where he gets that from….

I am just obsessed with both of by boys.  They are the sweetest, most loving, silly, and happy boys.  They make my heart so happy on a daily basis and I just love watching them grow and learn.