27 Weeks: 6/27/2012 |
How far along? 26 weeks
Maternity clothes? Another hot week! (100 degrees today!!) My new work "uniform" is a skirt, tank, and a light cardigan. (I only wear the cardigan because I can't wear sleeveless shirts to work!)
Best moment this week: We bought baby's crib this week, as well as a super comfy glider! We are taking a little "babymoon" this weekend too! (We are trying to maximize the fun this summer before our freedom is cut a bit--for a good reason!!)
Miss anything? Not really.
Movement: Still loving each and every time I feel him moving!
Food cravings: No, but I continue to have a large appetite! I have implemented what I call my "midnight snack prevention program" where I try to eat a hearty snack before bed so that I do not wake up SUPER hungry in the middle of the night. Andy is so sweet in reminding me and giving me ideas of what to eat, but some nights I STILL wake up hungry! You can tell baby is growing though!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Labor signs: No!
Exercise: Prenatal yoga is over until the next session starts up in 2 weeks, so that's a bummer! Still running occasionally and doing some arms and leg exercises.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: I'm excited for the weekend! We are heading to a little B&B for some R&R! Hopefully they have AC!
[...] WEEK 26 [...]