Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 37

37 Weeks  9/12/12
37 Weeks: 9/12/2012
How far along? 37 weeks (Tomorrow is baby's bday!!!)
Maternity clothes?  I was thinking this would be my last day for maternity clothes, but who knows when I'll be able to fit in my old clothes again!
Best moment this week: I anticipate that tomorrow will be the best day of my life!  I get to meet my baby boy face to face!
Sleep:  I hope I get some sleep tonight!
Miss anything? Working out and being in shape.  I feel like a big blob these days.   Yes, I second this sentiment from last week.
Movement: Still swimming away, thank goodness!!
Food cravings:  No.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.  What a nice pregnancy, queasy-wise.
Labor signs: Nope.
Exercise: I've been pretty close to sedentary for the majority of this pregnancy, why change now?  I will, however, return to my working out ASAP after little peanut is here!
Happy or moody most of the time:  Happy doesn't even begin to describe it!
Looking forward to: This goes without saying (typing)---tomorrow is Baby Fish's bday!!!!!!!

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