Dear Ben,
I think each month gets better than the last! This was a busy month with your surgery, but you never let that slow you down! We are SO proud of you and how tough you are! You are so loving too. :)
GENERAL: You tipped the scale at 16 pounds 2 ounces today. I believe you're about 27.5 inches. You are still the happiest, sweetest, and most curious little love bug. You love swimming and you love hanging out with your Auntie Anna. You make friends wherever you go and you are never too tired to smile!
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Cheering for Auntie at her softball game & eating the fence. |
EATING: Your eating slowed down a little bit after surgery. You had been eating about 5, 6 or 7 oz bottles a day, but you are now eating about 4, 6oz bottles a day. You've already improved compared to right after surgery, but you're still not back to where you were before surgery. However, this is just in regards to the bottle. As far as food goes, you're now eating much more than you used to. You love having yogurt for breakfast. You will usually have 1 or more container or pouch of food at every meal. You just started actually liking eating puffs. You still like your mum mum crackers. You like to play with the caps from your bottles while you eat. (Your bottles are still half breast milk and half formula. Momma just started pumping 2 or 3 times a day instead of 4 times a day, and she is very happy about this.)
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You were extra hungry this day! |
SLEEP: Just like with your eating, your sleeping struggled a bit right after surgery. You were waking up a little bit more often, but within a few days you were back to your old schedule of just getting up once a night. The time that you get up varies, but lately it has been around midnight. You usually will take a bottle and then go right back to sleep. Thankfully, you have been sleeping in a little bit later. You usually get up around 6 or 6:15, which is much better than the 4:45 you were stuck on for awhile. :) Your naps have been great too! You usually take 3 naps a day, with the last one being a bit shorter. You still like to be rocked to sleep before we put you in your bed. You're getting better at falling back asleep if you wake up in the night. You slept 10 hours straight last night for the first time EVER! It was amazing!! We hope this continues!
You post-bath hair |
FINE/ GROSS MOTOR: You are doing more and more everyday. You have mastered waving and clapping, and you'd getting pretty good at "so big!" (I guess this belongs in the next category, but I'll leave it here for now.) You can stand on your own for a good 30+ seconds, and you've even taken steps! Daddy has seen you take 4 steps at a time! You can climb up all of the stairs to get upstairs. You love to stand and you can essentially get anywhere you want to go! You are so determined. If you want something, you will work, work, work until you get what you want. You are starting to feed yourself and you've mastered the pincer grasp, especially when you are picking up crumbs or other things that you should not be picking up!
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We've moved your baths outside because you splash so much and try to grab everything in sight! |
COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: You continue to love to talk, talk, talk! We hear a lot of "mamamamama" and "dadadadadada," and we think that you are starting to use your words to identify us. You love to wave to momma and daddy when they leave for work in the morning. You get SO excited when you see us. We roll down the window in the car and as soon as you realize who it is, you start waving your arms and kicking your legs! You also get equally excited when we come home from work. It is the best! No matter how bad of a day I have at work, you instantly make me the happiest momma ever! We think you are the smartest little cookie out there. You figure out how to use all of your toys, and you are extra interested in things that are not toys. You love cords, drawers with knobs, and cell phones. You spend a lot of your free time watching the neighbor kids play. You wave at them, even though they usually don't even see you, and you stand at the window and watch them play for a long time.
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"I want to play with the big kids!" |
It is hard to believe that you will be ONE before we know it! We love you more than anything!
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