A "weekend recap" on a Wednesday means we are almost to the next weekend already. Woohoo! And since I took off on Friday, tomorrow is like my Friday--double woohoo! AND since I can wear jeans to this culture training course I have tomorrow--triple woohoo! Even more exciting yet is the fact that my sweet little baby turns ONE on Friday! I've been far more emotional about this milestone than I ever thought I would be, but I'll leave the sappy post for later. :) We started the weekend with a "goodbye to summer, hello to fall" street festival. (I made that name up, but that's kind of what it felt like.) I do love summer, but I am also one of fall's biggest fans, so I'm ready for cooler temps and fall scented everything. We didn't have a ton of time, but with corn on the cob, glowsticks, and climbing on street signs all in absolutely perfect weather, you can't go wrong.
According to Benj, what good is a street festival if you can't be in the street? He took full advantage of the roads being closed. The little man was walking around like he owned the place. He even convinced me to let him try a snow cone. The guy loves weekends as much as his mom.

Saturday was the wedding of my former coworker and running buddy but current all around awesome friend, Hannah. I would post pictures from the ceremony, but they are perhaps the worst pictures I've ever taken. (Worse than the blurry touchdown pictures posted below.) I cannot even blame it on the fact that a wicked storm took out the electricity in the church for the entire ceremony. Fortunately, there were plenty of candles and it was debatably even better without the lights. The ceremony was beautiful and the reception was quite stunning as well. Think barn wedding pintrest style. I feel like I am always writing about how I am not an animal lover (maybe I am just in denial??), but I have always loved the rustic yet classy and tasteful look of an outdoors, country reception. Her parents live on a beautiful piece of land. Andy and I were in love with it! Congrats, Hannah & Matt! You 2 are a fabulous pair!
Cutting the gluten-free pie. |
Andy + Benji + Animal = Happiness |
Love these boys so much. |
Eating ice, showing the flower girls his sticks...just another day in the life. |
Sweaty baby who doesn't seem too interested in his momma. |
We had an amazing time and I wish we could have stayed longer, but we left fairly early to get Ben to bed and to rest up before the Tough Mudder on Sunday. Andy and I have both done this "challenge" before, but never together, so we decided to give it a whirl. (Another one of those ideas that seemed awesome in the winter when we signed up...) Our team of 6+ ended up being a team of 3, but we still had fun! I wasn't as competitive with myself as I was in the past, so I did skip a few, but I think I'm still tough. I'm not at tough as Andy who dominate every obstacle. However, neither of us are as tough as Benji---toughest guy I know.
It appears as though I also lost 10# during the run. Sweet! |
Although we had an awesome time, despite my ridiculous sunburn, I was more than ready to get back to my Benji. He and grandpa loved their quality time together, but being away from Ben on the weekend is something I do NOT like to do. We were able to watch some of the Packers game together before bedtime. Although these pictures are not the best, he is still the cutest little fan ever. He learned "touchdown" so quickly!
As you can see in the middle picture, his hair has really grown. Thus, he got his first haircut this week! It was pretty much the cutest thing ever and it deserves its own post. So much to write about and so little time! Did I mention that I will soon have a ONE year old?!?!
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