I didn't take too many pictures this weekend, but it was still a good one. It was our typical Saturday morning routine of music class and working out, both of which were great. Ben is starting to participate more every week and watching him in action is too cute for words. He is the youngest in the class, and it is so adorable when he does the things the big kids do. I think I mentioned this before, but it is a fairly structured class, so I'm not sure if pictures would be allowed. You're supposed to take your child into the hall if he/she is being disruptive, and I imagine taking pictures would be a little distracting as well. I think my mom is going to take him next week so maybe I'll have her take some. ;) ;) (Hint, hint) We had a productive afternoon of cleaning before we headed to our friends' house for a football party. They have a huge screen and projector, and yesterday was their yearly Badger's party on the big screen. Unfortunately, we had to leave shortly after the game started. It was so nice to be able to catch up with friends who we see far too infrequently! Sadly, the only picture I have from Saturday is of one of the festive treats we made.

We got in our Sunday morning workouts before it was shop-til-you-drop time for Benji and me. Andy got to watch the Packers game in peace and I had a productive afternoon with my best little buddy. My mom met up with us for a bit, so it was a win-win-win. Ben was getting really excited for Christmas after seeing all of the department store decorations. He even showed me some things he might ask Santa for.

I don't know if it is just part of being a 13 month old, but Ben's schedule has been all over the place lately. He is totally not into napping and the second you place him in his bed, even if he is sleeping, he pops right up and looks around like he's at a party. We'll let him hang out in his crib for a bit, but when we look at the monitor and see his little face looking back at us, we realize that he just might not be tired. He only napped for an hour and a half today, so hoping he sleeps a lot tonight! He essentially slept through the night last night, can we be so lucky 2 nights in a row?! Time for bed for this momma, 5:30am Spin class comes quickly! Goodnight!

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