Monday, November 4, 2013

Weekend Recap: More Halloween + Christmas Fun

Happy Monday!  Thanks to the Packers/Bears game on Monday night football, it feels like a Sunday but the best part is--- it's almost Tuesday!  Since I have plenty of time, I'm going to recap our Halloween festivities in addition to our weekend fun.  We finally carved pumpkins.  Although I was pumped to get seeds, Benj wasn't sure what to think.  We tried to get him to touch the various textures, but he was not that into it.  He had fun nonetheless.  I absolutely love each and every face he made when checking out all of the pumpkin guts.  Man I love this boy sooo much!

I am not quite sure why google thinks these pictures go together like this, but I thought it was kind of funny.  :)

I'm giving Benji all the credit for my new found love for Halloween.  I always dressed up and celebrated, but he takes my Halloween excitement to a whole new level.  That being said, I had big plans of doing a themed family costume, but before I knew it it was the night before Halloween and I was frantically running around Target trying to get the finishing touches for my work costume.  Ben rocked his monkey costume, but Andy and I were repeats--lame!  We'll get 'em next year!  After a miserable 2 hour doctor appointment (at which Ben was a complete angel, despite the not so angelic doc), Ben took a power nap before hitting up his library playgroup's Halloween party.  I would have traded all of the Halloween candy in the world to be able to go, but thanks to the never ending doctor appointment, that wasn't in the cards.  My mom has some video that I haven't been able to check out yet, but even Andy reported that it was the cutest thing ever.

While I now believe that Halloween should be a legal holiday so that I can hang out with my boys, unfortunately I had to work.  I rushed home after work to get ready for our mini-party and for the trick-or-treaters!  Since it was rainy and dark, I'm extra happy that we trick-or-treated last weekend.  Ben and Andy did go to 2 of the neighbors' houses and came home with 2 giant-size candy bars.  Clearly we weren't the favorite house on the block!  We ended up just having some friends over and eating festive foods and drinking festive drinks.  Although I had a Pinterest board full of ideas, believe it or not I did not have time to be too cutesy.  However, between the jack o' lantern pizza my mom picked up for us and every orange product I could find in addition to a creepy pandora station, we were in perfectly good shape for a Halloween party.  We probably had about 10 groups of kids come by, so it was a good thing I bought candy that I don't like.  Unfortunately, Ben got a hold of the leftovers and managed to nibble a little hole in nearly ever piece.

Saturday might as well have been a holiday because after music class and a quick stop at work (boo), Andy and I went OUT!  His friends from college, who he hasn't seen in almost 3 years, were in town for the Packers' game.  I didn't want to ask my mom to watch Ben since she already watches him during the week, but (no) thanks to the above mentioned doctor appointment, I think she was concerned about my mental health and essentially insisted that we go out.  (Side note: she is seriously the best mom in the word and I'm not sure that I would function as a mom without her.)  We ended up going to not one, not two, but THREE different restaurant/bars downtown.   Andy was in heaven reliving his glory days and I was in heaven after learning Benji ate tomatoes and fries at Culver's in addition to his other food.  (Eat that, GI doc.)

Despite our wild and crazy night (we were home by 10:30,) we were up with the sun on Sunday morning for the Jingle Bell Run at the zoo!  We've done this run several times and it is actually the first run that Andy and I did together when we first started dating.  It was also the first ever 5k for my coworker and friend Anne.  It was Ben's first 5k too! The weather was perfect and the fall leaves were gorgeous, so all in all a perfect morning!  My little snow bunny was double bundled in festive pajamas and he actually napped for the majority of the run as I pushed him in the jogging stroller.

Just as I suspected, despite minimal training, Andy went out there and dominated.  Anne and I also rocked it as well!  She did a fabulous job--especially for her first 5k!  I think and hope she will do another one!  To top it all off, all of the jinglebell-ing got me SUPER excited for the upcoming holiday season!  Andy and I always have to compromise on when the Christmas music can start, so it was nice to get a little sampler.  We're supposedly waiting until November 15th this year.  He caved last year.  :)

Benj and I ended our weekend with a visit to Great-Grandma's house while Andy met up with his friends again.  In other words, it was the perfect ending to our fantastic weekend.  I'm already looking forward to the next one! 

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