Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Weekend Recap: Life Lately!

There are simply not enough hours in the day for me to stay on top of these blog posts!  I want to so badly, but I can't.  I'm just going to highlight some of the holiday fun we've been having lately, as I wait for the Michael Buble holiday special to begin. :)

(1) Let it snow!! While we tried (key word: tried) to get stuff done around the house, we were only semi-productive.  I had to convince Andy that Ben needed one of his Christmas presents a little early.  After all, there are only so many days that were are home when it is actually light outside, let alone--snowing!!  I was obviously able to convince him to enjoy the winter wonderland with Ben in his new sled!  (Not that hard--he wanted to try out his new winter boots pretty badly.)  Aside from his face plant after realizing he can move as quickly in the snow, Ben loved it!

However, Ben still needs to learn the value of gloves!  He kept flinging them off.  He is so tough though that he really didn't seem to mind that his little paws were turning red.

I just love this picture perfect moment below.  Life is so good.  Next time, we're going to figure out how Rosco can pull Benj in the sled.

(2) Festive Food! We went to our friends' house on Saturday night.  Ben was smothered with attention.  Two of the girls were literally crying over who got to hold him more.  (Too bad he didn't want to be held by either of them...)  Although we had to intervene a lot, it was nice that he was able to be entertained for awhile.  Great food, drink, and company = great night!

(3) Nutcracker!! The girls go to the Nutcracker every year, but I'm counting down the years until we can bring Ben!  (Get pumped, Andy, you're coming too!)  Until then, we will just have to continue listening to the Nutcracker Pandora station non-stop.  We were at least able to bring Ben to lunch, although he was more interested in the "balls" on the tree than sitting down to eat.  The Nutcracker was fabulous, as always!  Thanks for a fun day, Mom!

(4) Christmas Birthday Boy!! As much as I love Christmas, it probably isn't the best day to have a birthday, but like it or not, that's when Andy decided to make his grand entrance.  I don't think I do a great job at it, but we try and celebrate his birthday on a day other than Christmas.  On Monday, we celebrated with his parents.  We're going to celebrate again the day after Christmas.  Maybe we'll try to celebrate on his half birthday next year!

(5) Gingerbread Men!!  St. Nick brought Benji a gingerbread man decorating kit to Nana's house.  We finally got a chance to use it.  He dove right in and was a natural.  I am just obsessed with this kid.  But look how cute he is, intently decorating his gingerbread man!  I love him so much!!

My personal favorite is the one on the right.  Wouldn't you agree?

(6) A Christmas Carol!! Andy and I were fortunate to get a date night last week!  Auntie Anna and my mom watched Ben so we could get dinner and then see "A Christmas Carol."  Such a heartwarming story!  It made me wish we would have done more for others who are less fortunate this year.  I suppose there is still time!

(9) SANTA!!  Last, but not least (well, maybe least in Ben's mind), I have to include our picture with Santa!  Ben actually looks a little happier than he seemed in real life.  Oh well, maybe Ben and Santa will be better friends next year!

1 week 'til Christmas!!  Ahh!!!

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