I am so late on this again. It isn't hard to write this, but I always end up forgetting things. My goal is to keep up with these monthly updates until Ben is 2. I think it will be fun to look back at someday. Hopefully I'll need to look back to remember how much I used to stress about your feeding, though I imagine my mom will not let me forget that. :) I can at least say I took these pictures on time this month!
Dear Ben,
I love you SO MUCH! I cannot believe how much! Letting you have your nuks was the only way you would sort of sit still.
GENERAL: At your last appointment, I believe you were 30.5 inches or so and you weighed 19 pounds 8 ounces. That last appointment was a 3+ hour appointment in the feeding clinic. I'll get more to the feeding part in a bit. :)
EATING: I'm 2 weeks late in writing this, but I feel like your eating has been up and down lately. We went to the feeding clinic on Valentine's Day. After that appointment, you were started on a medication to stimulate your appetite. It worked almost instantly! It was great! You were eating non-stop. You had 2.5 bananas for a snack one day. However, you got a bit of a stomach bug the following week, so your eating was a little bit (lot of bit) off. The week after that, the medicine didn't seem to be helping. You are supposed to be on it for 2 weeks and then off for 2 weeks. I think we'll try it again, but it seemed to make you sleepy and crabby, so I'm not sure if it is worth it, especially if it isn't helping with the eating! You are still acting like whole milk is poison. My goal was to have you off of the formula by 18 months, and at this rate, I don't think that is going to happen. You are also still getting a bottle, but I'm (we're) so desperate to get some protein and calories in you, that we'll do whatever it takes! It's not that you even LOVE the bottle, it is work to get you to take that, but you will now say "ba ba" when you want one, and you're pretty accurate with that. :) You take between 4-6oz about 4 times/day. We are still working on increasing the variety of foods you eat, but fruit is still your favorite! You're starting to like yogurt again, which makes me happy! (Protein + fat = happy momma!) You definitely like to feed yourself with a spoon these days and you're actually pretty good at it! You also love daddy's pancakes as much as you love helping him make them--which is a LOT.
SLEEPING: Your sleep has been great lately. You are typically getting up once a night, but it is often at 5:00am, which is pretty darn good. You are going to bed around 7:00-7:30PM. If you have a bottle at 5:00, you will typically fall right back to sleep until 6:45. It's awesome! Your naps have been variable and you still need to be rocked for your naps. This is fine with the Nanas, but it doesn't work as well at pre-pre-school... You go to bed like an angel at night though! We read books, say prayers, brush your teeth, and then lately you have been pointing to your bed. You'll some times lay in bed any play with your nuks, you like to have TWO of them, and then you go right to sleep.
FINE/GROSS MOTOR: You continue to be an active boy! We got you a new desk recently, so you love to climb on that, even though you know that is naughty. You love to color at your desk though with your crayons, which I thought were Benji-proof but you showed me otherwise. You also love to "raw" (draw) on the chalk board too. You are also getting better and better at your puzzles! You can put pieces in place all by yourself, though you need some prompting sometimes to rotate the pieces. You also are starting to put the shapes in the shape sorter without help. You love being a helper. If someone is leaving, you go get his/her shoes. You love throwing away your diapers and putting your dirty clothes in your laundry. If daddy or I go grocery shopping without you, you are there the second we get home to help empty the shopping bags! You love emptying drawers and getting in to things that aren't yours. :) You still like to make huge messes, but you're getting a little better at cleaning up when you're done. (I know this is cognitive stuff too, but a lot of the developmental milestones tend to overlap.)
COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: We still think you are the smartest little cookie. I'd say you have almost 20 words? You are getting good at at least trying to copy us. You have the cutest little voice. You're really into this Sesame Street book about bubbles, which is not surprising because you LOVE taking baths. It is either "bubbles" or "pot," which is actually "Spot" -- that "s" is a tricky one! You love pretending to talk on your phone (or our phones) and you always want to FaceTime with Auntie Anna aka Ahn. You love listening to music and being sung to, and you try to sing along sometimes too. It is soooo cute! Your favorite (and only) animal noises are making cow and monkey noises. You like to "watch" Curious George in the morning. You make your monkey noise, smile/laugh when you see George, and that you're over it. You still love to be held A LOT, which is fine until whoever is holding you needs to do something. (Get dressed, go to the bathroom, watch hands, etc.) We are working on not crying when you don't get what you want. You are our little shadow and like to do whatever we do. Especially Daddy!!
Time to delete some pictures on my laptop so that I can add some new ones! I do not know what to do with all of the (1000s of) pictures I have of you! Love you more than words could ever describe!
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