Although Ben and Andy make pancakes together on a regular basis, they were extra special birthday pancakes on Saturday, mostly because he got to eat them on a football plate. It's rare to see him in his highchair these days. Actually, he was probably only in it because that's where he sits for pancake making. Apparently two year olds prefer tall stools.
He had to have a good breakfast because we had a big morning ahead of us! How fitting that the hospital who took such good care of Ben when he was born was having its annual run/walk on his birthday. We have formed a team since before Ben was even born, so we wanted to keep up the tradition. (Plus continue to raise awareness, money, etc.) Ben was pretty excited that we switched his carseat to be forward facing for the ride down!
We left nice and early to go meet our team. It was a little colder this year than it has been the past several years, but that didn't stop the fun! We had 36 people on our team this year supporting the hospital in honor of BEN!
It was hard to keep track of our team during the walk, so thankfully we were able to chat with some friends for a bit before the walk.
It took awhile to get to the actual starting line, and no more than 10 minutes into our walk, Ben was fast asleep. :)
He woke up just as we crossed the finish line and met up with Andy, who had run the 8k. (In his fastest time yet, I might add!)
Luckily, I had my wonderful friend Maggie with me to keep me company on the walk! Ben loved having here there too.
I didn't want to have a huge birthday party like we had last year, but Ben has so many loving fans that we decided to have a family party at our house after the run/walk. We took the easy way out and ordered some pizzas, but I didn't hear any complaining. Even from Ben, and he doesn't even like pizza. ;)
Ben isn't a huge fan of fire, so he kept his distance from the candles while we sang to him and he let Andy and I blow them out. He was a huge fan of watching Andy cut the cake though! Every time someone asked him what he wanted for his birthday, he said cake, and this one did not disappoint!
He had a blast opening his presents and giving hugs to each and every (EXTREMELY generous) gift giver. For someone who is a little young to understand the whole gift thing, I think he did a pretty good job of being gracious. (Even though he wanted to open every toy right after he opened it, especially the 15+ containers of play dough from Auntie Anna...) It is hard to say what his favorite thing was, because he truly loved (and still loves) everything.
There were definitely tears when we had to go inside for the night! There isn't much this boy loves more than playing outside with his soccer ball, football, basketball, or baseballs!
We all crashed for a bit after everyone left. And by all, I mean it was Andy, Ben, and me in Ben's bed fast asleep. :)
After a little more playing outside, it was an early-ish bedtime for this two year old. He was such a good boy the whole day! I'm pretty sure the only time he cried is when he had to stop playing with his new toys. He slept like a rock all night and the next morning we woke up to his precious little voice on the monitor saying, "Happy birthday, Ben! Hold baby Lydia in the chair." He has been talking away when he wakes up in the morning and Andy and I just lay in bed and listen to him for awhile. Such a great way to start the day. He certainly loved holding baby Lydia twice on his birthday!
Saturday was such action packed day that we had to take it easy on Sunday. Super Nana and Papa John watched Ben so Andy and I could get some work done. (Thank you, Mom!! You're the best!!) Andy had a paper to write for school and I worked on thank-you notes. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I couldn't pass up some hot apple cider from Starbucks. Ahh, I love fall.
And since the weather was absolutely beautiful and fall-like (and because Ben adores being outside) we ended our weekend we some outdoor fun. This kid has a crazy strong arm, so I keep my distance when he is playing catch with Andy! Unless, of course, I'm getting some Benji love. :)
All in all, it was a perfect weekend. I could not possible love this big boy more than I do! I am so proud to be his momma! He had his 2 year check up today and the doctor was singing his praises as well. Of course I think Ben is smarter than smart, but it was nice to hear his doctor (and teachers) say how advanced he is. He just brings so much happiness wherever he goes. It's hard not to smile when he says some of his favorite lines like "baby in daddy's tummy too!" because he knows he will get a laugh or when he remembers things that happened months ago. Auntie Anna thinks it is getting old, but I still love playing along when he "hides" every time someone enters the room and then he giggles when that person is trying to find him. He still usually talks in third person which makes me laugh and I'm sure it won't be long before he stops answering "BEN!" when I ask questions like, "who is my snuggle baby, love bug, sweetie pie, etc?" So although I love watching him grow up, I am trying to cherish each and every moment just in case there comes a day where he doesn't want to give me hugs and kisses on command! Happy birthday to my loving Benjamin!
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