Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Weekend Recap: 4 Days With Family!

I think it goes without being said that I LOVE weekends.  So when I get extra days off?  Well, that's pretty much the best thing ever.  I had vacation days that I needed to use before the new year, so I definitely took them!  It was a staycation and I loved every minute of it.  Seriously, it was hard going back!  Wish I could spend every day with my boys!

On Thursday, I got to take Ben to his library class.  He sat so nicely on his little carpet square and several moms/nannies/grandmas told me how well behaved Ben is every week.  Proud momma moment!  Andy was even able to join us for a bit.  We went to his usual Thursday lunch spot and he loved showing me all of the things he does every week.  Wish I could go every week!  He had a nice long nap in the afternoon before we went out for dinner.  I had a craving of sorts for Mexican so we headed out for some chips and salsa and (virgin for me) margaritas!  I'd like to say that facial expression was because he thought my drink was gross (which he did) but that is actually his forced smile these days.

He much preferred fries dipped in applesauce, of course.

I should have titled this post "the weekend of eating out every meal" because that is almost exactly what we did.  On Friday, I decided to take him to Chuck-E-Cheese.  It definitely isn't my favorite place, but we went right after it opened and there were barely any kids there---just the way I like it!  Of course, once daddy, Nana, and Auntie Anna heard of our plans, they wanted in too.  Yep, that's 4 adults to 1 child.

His favorite game by far was the basketball hoop!  I can't believe he can shoot (and make them) from the ground.  Andy had to hold him up last time!

Look at those skills!

We went out to dinner with a friend from college and her family on Friday night.  We were reacquainted because our boys go to the same school.  It was so fun!  Ben got to see some kids from school, I got to catch up with an old friend, and the husbands totally hit it off as well.  Looking forward to more date nights!

Saturday was my Nana's funeral.  My mom wanted it to be a small, more intimate affair, and it was just that.  It was a beautiful service followed by a nice family lunch.  Ben enjoyed the company and the cake. 

The rest of our weekend was fairly lazy yet productive.  My goal is to have my Christmas shopping done by December 1, and I'm off to a pretty good start.  This was my exciting Saturday night while Andy did school work!

I don't believe I mentioned this in a post yet, but Baby Fishler #2 officially has a name!  This name has been first on my list for several months now, but Andy was finally able to commit.  He "let" me order something with his name on it.  My mom and sister are dying to know what it is, so I've been messing with them by sending them pictures like the one below.  "Baby's name is on this."  They were trying to get Ben to squeal but our secret is safe with him.  Mostly because he tells everyone that his baby brother is going to be named, "Sister." 

We had a birthday party for my Uncle Mike on Sunday and Ben got to spend more time with his little girlfriend/cousin, Lydia.  He is so good with her-- I hope the same holds true for his baby brother!

In between our fun, we did a lot of preparing for baby!  We cleaned the bassinet as well as a bunch of the baby toys.  We are SOOOOO excited to meet him!  I had another ultrasound yesterday and Baby Boy looks great!  He is estimated to be around 4 # and 10oz.  He is still as cute as ever, looking just like his big bro!

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