Monday, January 19, 2015

1 Month (1/18/2015)

Happy 1 month birthday to my sweet little love!  It has been longer than I anticipated since I last blogged, but it is hard to type and snuggle at the same time.  Life has been so good over here.  I truly love being at home with my boys and they love it too.  (Well Ben at least tells me that he does!)  I'm going to do my best to write these monthly posts again!  I think I made it (almost) to 18 months with Ben so I have to be sure to do that this time around, to be fair, of course.

I had so much fun doing the 1 month photo shoot--- so many good ones to choose from!  Although I'm not really missing work at the moment, I'll use my work note format to write these monthly posts.  ;)

GENERAL: Josh, you are the sweetest little guy.  You are so content most of the time and even when you get upset, you calm pretty easily.  You prefer to be held, but you are typically happy for at least a little while when you're put down.  You love baths, being talked or sung to, and being with your big brother who, for the record, continues to ADORE you.  You had your 1 month check up today and you weigh 8# 5.3oz and you are 20.25 inches.  You've grown a lot in a month!  You are perfection!

SLEEP: Your sleep has been pretty good, but we are still struggling to find a good, safe place for you to sleep.  You love sleeping on your tummy, but this scares me because of the whole SIDS thing.  You also like to be in our bed, which again is a safe sleep no-no.  You also love to be held to sleep, and we try to prop you up at least a little bit.  You usually will sleep for about 3-4 hours at a time at night, sometimes a little longer.  When you wake up you will eat and then you usually go right back to sleep.  You have a fussier time around 4:00AM or so where you seem to want to be awake, but then you will fall asleep again.  You don't like to be swaddled so we have to figure out how you like to sleep that isn't on your tummy until you're able to roll!

EATING: You are a great eater!  You seemed to have slight reflux initially, but that is a lot better and now you rarely spit up.  You are currently nursing about every 2-3 hours around the clock, maybe a little less often at night.  You will eat for about 5 minutes on one side and then you're done.  I'd be a little concerned about the quantity but you're gaining weight so nicely that you must just be efficient!  You have yet to try a bottle but the pediatrician suggested that we start trying this, as it is a good time to introduce the bottle without too much resistance.  I have about 10 bags of milked stored up thus far, but I know I'll need a lot more when I go back to work!  I have to mention that it is approximately a million times easier to nurse than it is to pump and then bottle feed.  This helps so much with the sleep deprivation!

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: You have become so much more alert!  The pediatrician was so impressed and loved how responsive and expressive you were.  You are cooing and it seems like you may even be smiling purposefully.  You are tracking and you love lights and windows.  You also LOVE your big brother, which is great because he loves you too.  This might be one of my favorite pictures of all time.  Melts my heart every time I look at it.

FINE/GROSS MOTOR:  You are such a strong little babe!  I am pretty sure you were born with head control.  I'd call it fair head control, by my scale. ;)  You like being on your tummy and can turn your head both ways and you are even starting to lift it up a little bit.  You definitely inch around when you are in our bed and there have been a few times where I was afraid you were going to roll over.  We have to keep our eyes on you!

I can't say it enough, we love you SO much!  You are the perfect addition to our little family and I love that I get to hang out with you 24/7.  I am so excited to watch you grow and become best buddies with Benji.  Thanks to you, he now likes to be photographed again, that little stinker. ;)

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