He now actually looks way too old for this toy. Love the comparison pictures but it makes me sad that he is growing up so quickly! Now, it looks like he's thinking, "This pig is lame. Give me some real money."
This past year he was in the toddler room with 1 and 2 year olds. He will be in the 2 year old room in the fall, so he had a "graduation" on his last day of school. It was so cute to see him with all of his little friends that he talks about all the time.
I am so proud of this sweet boy. Love him so much it hurts.
And we love Ms. Sharon!
Here I go again with the comparisons… (Tear!)
Luckily, Andy hasn't aged a bit!
I hope he always loves school so much! Josh is going to be joining him at school next year. Glad he will have his big brother there (in a different room) for protection! ;)
We had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend. It was gorgeous out so we went to the kite festival by the lake. Ben was more interested in throwing the football. Too cool for kites, I guess.
We weren't sure that the rain was going to hold off, but thankfully it did and the weather for the Memorial Day parade was perfection!
Aside from the fire engines (too loud), Ben had so much fun and got a TON of candy. This is what was left after he ate about 15 pieces during the parade.
But better than all the candy were the 5 tennis balls he got. :)
Let's do another quick flashback, just for fun…
We tried with the family photo this year…
After the parade these boys definitely needed naps.

After nap time, we went to my moms to grill out. We snuck in a walk to the park too. Ben never turns down an opportunity to go to the park! Or an opportunity to display his open mouth smile.
Auntie Anna had to get in some Joshy smiles.
Even Uncle Joe was there. Josh got in some R&R.
Nana got her daily fix of Josh smooches.
And Ben needed some R&R too, because let's face it, playing basketball, baseball, football, and golf in a 45 minute time span is exhausting.
It was great weekend, but then again, any day with my 3 guys is pretty much perfection. Already looking forward to next weekend!