Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Life Lately

I'm bummed about the frequency of these posts!  I have been working TOO MUCH, in my opinion.  I try my hardest to leave work by 5:00, though it is usually closer to 5:30, but this means I typically leave with several notes to write.  I usually write notes for at least 2 hours in the evening, so that leaves little time for blogging.  Now that Andy is done with school, I really don't want to be doing work from 7:30-10:00 every night!  I'm going to try my hardest to get my work done at work this summer!  But enough whining!   On to the fun!  I can hardly believe that this weekend Josh will already be 5 months old!  He is getting so big!  He rolls all over the place and you really can't leave him on his play mat anymore because he will definitely be on the other side of the room within 30 seconds.  Ben is getting equally grown up and even goes potty on the toilet/potty chair now!!!  He went to school in undies for the first time today.  Proud momma over here!!

I'm going to do my best to recap some of the highlights from the past month.  Josh was baptized on Sunday, April 19.  He was a perfect little angel and didn't cry at all.  In fact, he was grinning from ear to ear.  It was so sweet.

Ben requested a candle on the cake...

Later that day, we went to a funeral for my great uncle Wally.  It was the happiest celebration of life that I've been to in a long while.  

The next day, we went to the Brewers game!  

It was freezing!!!  We had to tailgate in the car.

Ben and Josh didn't mind.  It was fairly warm with the roof of the stadium closed, thankfully!

This past weekend, Ben, Josh, my mom, and I went to Hannah and Emily's dance recital.  Ben loved it!

This past Sunday was Mother's Day, so we were sure to see all of the mothers in our lives!  After mass, we went to brunch at my cousin's house.  

We also visited great grandma in her new place!  Josh loves great-grandma!

I think it's time for bed now!  I think I say this every time, but I'm going to try REALLY hard to keep this little blog of mine up to date!  It's almost time for Josh's 5 month post and I can hardly believe it! 

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