Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4 Months (4/18/2015)

I can't believe it has almost been a month since my last post!  Life has obviously been busy.  I've been doing work pretty much every night, but I decided to take the night off.  Partly because I'm exhausted and partly because I don't want to fall any further behind on my blog posts!  Besides, all my notes (and then some) will still be there tomorrow!

GENERAL: Dear Josh, these months are going by SO quickly!  You had your 4 month check up on Monday and once again you are perfection!  You're 24.25 inches and you weigh 11#5oz.  I continue to miss you and your brother like crazy when I am at work, but I sure love coming home to your giant smiles!  You have started giggling a lot more and you're always happy!    

SLEEP:  You continue to be a great sleeper!  The times that you wake up in the night haven't been as predictable, but you typically go right back to sleep after you eat.  You're waking up once or twice (usually twice) a night to eat.  You're still in the bassinet in our room and I like having you in there!  We did buy another video monitor, so you might be making the move to your crib soon.  (If we can figure out how to get the camera to work…)  You go to bed at 7-7:30 like your brother and the first time you wake up is usually around 1:00 or 2:00.  It's not bad!  The only hard part is if I try to go to the gym in the morning and I want you to wake up to eat. :)  You're typically up for the morning at around 6:30, but then you like to go back down for a nap around 8:30.  You take a few naps during the day, or so I'm told!  You fall asleep pretty quickly.

EATING: I thought eating had been going well, but you're weight has dropped off the growth curve a bit.  I'm still nursing you when I'm home and you get bottles when I'm gone.  I've been working hard to pump for you while I'm at work!  It's not always the easiest but my goal is to not use any formula.  However, the pediatrician is recommending that we add 1 teaspoon of formula to your bottles during the day.  We just started that yesterday.  You usually have 4-5oz bottles 2-3 times/day.  I really hope you're getting enough!  You look so healthy and are one happy little guy, so I'm trying not to stress too much!

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: You still love to "talk" and have little conversations.  You giggle whenever we kiss your neck and it's the sweetest little noise!  You definitely know your momma and you've started fussing for daddy a bit at night when he is trying to put you to bed, but you'll calm instantly if I take over.  You must have learned that trick from your big brother!  (Who now seems to prefer daddy to be the last one to tuck him in at night…go figure!)  Ben loves you just as much as you love him, and he seems to get a little bored with your monthly photo shoots.  But he gets over it quickly!

FINE/GROSS MOTOR: You have been rolling from your tummy to your back for several weeks now, and you've rolled from your back to your tummy a handful of times.  You LOVE putting things in to your mouth and you are SO drooly!  You're latest favorite thing is the Sophie the giraffe that you got from the Easter bunny.  You reach for toys and you still like sitting in your bouncy chair.  You've been getting bored a little more quickly, but as soon as we pick you up, you're happy again.

My goal is to write a 2.5 year update on Ben in the next week or so in addition to another post about the fun things we've been up to lately including Easter and Josh's baptism! 

Life is so good with my 2 boys (and daddy too, of course!)  

Our first try with the video didn't end well, but Ben did such a good job with his fingers that I had to include it.

He loves his numbers!

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