Sunday, March 29, 2015

Back At It!

I'm going to try and get back in to the blogging routine!  With Josh being the awesome sleeper that he is (I really hope I didn't just jinx things), I definitely have time to do fun things in the evenings like blog and read!  After 5 years in this house, I FINALLY got a library card the other day.  That's kind of embarrassing, but I checked out some books and I'm determined to read more.  And I'm also determined to start training for that half marathon I signed up for…  There are just not enough hours in the day!

Anyway.  Life has been good over here.  We have slowly but surely been getting out our Easter decorations and I can't believe Easter is already next Sunday.  Andy had school 3 of the weekends in March (BOO!) but I'm excited because he only has 3 weekends left this semester!  I'm not sure who is more excited, Andy or me!  While I strongly prefer when Andy is home, I do have fun with my baby boys!  Last weekend we attempted the mall.  I only crashed in to like 5 people trying to maneuver the double stroller.  Ben is getting to the age where he is really bored by clothes shopping, so we spent the majority of the time watching the Easter bunny from a distance.  He was very intrigued by the bunny, but he didn't want to get too close.

Believe it or not, it wasn't very crowded on a Sunday afternoon, so the bunny came over to say hi to Ben.  Ben was not interested, but he did accept a gift from the bunny.

But then he hid from us all.

We're going to brunch with the Easter bunny next weekend, so we'll see how that goes!  Speaking of bunnies, have you ever seen such a cute one?!  Love this boy and all of his smiles. 

Ben started gymnastics a few weeks ago, and it is really high up there on the list of cutest things ever.  He is quite the brave guy, and it is probably better that Andy has been going with him, because I am terrified of a spinal cord injury with every move he makes.

Look at this kid.  The other kids were feebly holding their parents' hands as they ran down the mat, and this guy jumped right in on his first try.  (Not the best video, but you get the point.)

Yesterday, we went to lunch with Maddie and Sarah.  Note that Maddie's grilled cheese and chips are completely gone (plus she ate a cookie) and Ben took literally 1 bite.  Sigh….

After mass this morning, we went over to Andy's parents' house for brunch.  Ben got to play with balls so he was a happy camper.  Josh got to smile so he was a happy camper, too.

This one is blurry, but that doesn't take away from his awesome smile.

We ended our weekend by dyeing some Easter eggs.  There was only one spill but a lot of splashes, and Ben's fingers will probably be blue until Easter.  

Josh took an amazing 2+ hour nap this afternoon, but he didn't want to miss all the fun!

I'm so excited for next weekend!  Lots of Easter egg hunts, kind of like last year, but I think Ben will have even more fun this year.  I'm ready for some warmer weather around here!  Ben has caught so many bugs this winter and Josh currently has a junky sounding cough that I'm pretty sure he got from his big brother.  I just want everyone to be healthy and stay healthy! Alright, time to READ and go to bed so I can get up at 5:00 tomorrow morning to RUN! 

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