Now that I am back in the groove with work, I'm going to try and get back to blogging more regularly and working out more regularly too! I signed up for a half marathon in June, so I should probably start running. Eek!
GENERAL: Dear Josh, you are such a good baby! You make me think I could handle lots more babies! (Haha, hopefully Andy didn't pass out when he read that one!) But honestly, you almost never cry and when you do squawk, you're easily consoled. When I weighed you today, you weighed 10#7oz and I think you're a little over 22 inches or so. You have the best little rolls!
SLEEP: Your sleep has been nothing short of AMAZING! You typically go to bed around 7:00-7:30 when your big brother goes to bed. You had been waking up consistently at 3:30, but this past week or so you've been waking up around 1:30. You don't really cry when you wake up, you just make little noises and I wake up and feed you. You're still in the bassinet in our room and you still prefer to sleep on your tummy. After you eat when you wake up at night, you will go right back to sleep until you wake up again around 4:00 or 5:00 and eat again. You like to have a morning nap and then you sleep every few hours throughout the day too.
EATING: Eating has been going pretty well too. You still nurse like a champ when I am home, but I've had to start pumping more now that I am back at work. You've been taking about 5oz a few times a day while I am at work, and then I nurse you the rest of the time. My supply has been going up and down, so I hope you're getting enough!
COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: You are still the happiest baby in town. I love coming home from work and seeing that sweet smile! You continue to coo and it's just music to my ears. Oh, and you GIGGLED for the first time earlier this week and I can't wait for more of those! I really think you love hearing Ben the most. He always comes down to snuggle with us in the morning, and your face lights up when you hear and see him. You two love each other SO much and I hope that is always the case!
FINE/GROSS MOTOR: You are quite the tough little guy, just like your brother. You haven't started rolling just yet, but you sure know how to wiggle and move. You like your head to be at the top of the bassinet. You're also getting so good with your hands. When you're not putting them in your mouth, you are starting to reach for toys. When you're in your bouncy seat, you grab the toys and start to do mini pull-ups! Like I said--TOUGH!

Sometimes Ben wants to be in the pictures, sometimes he doesn't, and sometimes he is just plain silly.
I love you boys more than life itself!
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