Tuesday, September 8, 2015

3 Day Weekend Fun

It's really no surprise that long weekends are my FAVORITE weekends.  I recently read the book "The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up" and had been whining about how impossible it is to clean the house with 2 busy boys around, so for my birthday, my mom gave me a day where she watched the boys on the weekend so I could purge our house!  I did my clothes a few weeks ago and it felt so good to get rid of things that did not "spark joy."  Of course, I then felt like I had nothing to wear to work and I've since done a lot of shopping, but it still felt amazing.  (And I'm not going to complain about more shopping!)  I took my mom up on her offer on Saturday.  Shortly after Ben left (Josh napped and they picked him up later), this arrived:

My cousins had outgrown their play set, so we decided to buy it from them as an early birthday present for Ben (& Josh, but he is a little young to appreciate it just yet.)  We got a great deal and they even delivered AND helped with set up.  Our backyard is completely fenced in so it was a little challenging getting the big piece back there, but they managed!

The final product was perfection!

Ben was all smiles when he saw it and he has been pretty obsessed with it ever since. 

It has been a great motivator to get him to do things. :)  We spent most of our weekend outside.  Ben went mini-golfing with Nana and Papa John on Saturday.  We celebrated our friend Claire's first birthday on Sunday.  

We ended out long weekend with a visit to Great-Grandma's house.

I'm still exhausted and really should be sleeping instead of blogging!  I'm so excited for Ben's 3rd birthday this weekend!  I cannot believe it has already been 3 years since we met this sweet boy!  Yet at the same time, I can hardly remember what life was like without him.  I think I slept more… ;)  Goodnight!

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