Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10 Months (10/18/2015)

GENERAL:  Dear Joshy,  Happy 10 months to you!  Each month seems to go faster than the month before.  You are becoming more independent everyday.  You just barely weigh 15 pounds and you are almost 27 inches, I think.  You fell off your growth curve a bit at your 9 month appointment, so we are going to see endocrine just to make sure everything is A-OK.  We imagine that your small size is compliments of your small parents, but we just want to make sure.  You are as smart as can be, so I'm really not worried about your development.  You have passed every developmental milestone with flying colors!  The soonest appointment is in December, so we'll see if we still even need to go at that point.

SLEEP:  As my last few blogs suggest, sleep has been less than awesome this last month.  I don't like to complain, but it has been ROUGH.  I need sleep, my boy!  You wake up at least 2-3 times/night.  You've been pretty healthy lately, so fortunately you usually go back to sleep right away, but this isn't always the case.  I typically will nurse you and your stomach is always growling, so I think you are actually hungry!  I want you to get all the calories you can, so I happily feed you basically whenever you want to eat, it would just be more fun if you preferred to eat more during the day and sleep during the night.  You still do a great job with your morning nap unless you're at school.  They say you "didn't want to nap" in the morning almost every morning.  I think you just don't like to miss anything!  You go down to sleep like an angel around 7:00/7:30PM and then usually wake up around midnight or 1:00.  And then I think it's like every hour after that. ;)  Ok, not quite, but it's never smooth sailing after that point!  Sometimes you will sleep til around 7:00AM though, which is nice.  (After you've been up like every 2 hours before that.)  LET'S SLEEP BETTER THIS MONTH, DEAL??

EATING: You still love to eat!  Well, you love food anyway.  I'm not sure that you're getting the minimum of 16oz/day of breast milk that the pediatrician recommended, but you are eating a lot of other things!  You love yogurt and fruit.  You are great at feeding yourself.  You still nurse in the morning and before bed (and 2+ times overnight) and then you take bottles of breast milk during the day.  I think it is usually about 4oz at a time.  We have been letting you try lots of new foods lately and you aren't afraid to try anything!  You've had chicken, noodles, beans, crackers, and more.  As long as I'm asking for more sleep, I might as well ask for you to drink more milk too.  Sound good?

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION:  You have been so attached to me lately!  You cried for the first time when I dropped you off at school yesterday.  I almost started crying!  It is nearly impossible to get ready for work in the morning, because you want to be held the whole time and you are otherwise crying to be picked up or crawling up my legs.  You love seeing Ben in the morning.  You've been reaching and opening and closing your little fist at things you want lately.  You have been so giggly lately and it's the sweetest noise ever!  You do a ton of babbling, but still no "ma ma ma ma," unfortunately!  

FINE/GROSS MOTOR: You have officially taken your first steps!  You seem to prefer crawling though, probably because you are so fast and efficient, especially when you bear crawl!  You are always checking the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs to see if it is open so you can crawl up.  You are still waving, clapping, and banging toys together.  You've been really in to turning the light switches on and off.  You get a big smile on your face whenever you see one.  We still have to be very careful about what is on the floor because everything goes right in to your mouth.  You love music and dancing.  We love watching you bop around on the floor!

I cannot believe that in 2 short months you will be ONE!  How is this possible?!  Thanks for making our lives so bright and happy.  We love you, baby boy!

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