GENERAL: Genevieve had her 4 month check up on the 8th and she was such a little angel. She is tipping the scale at 10#7oz and she is 23.5 inches long. She's still on the tiny side but she has grown 5.5 inches since she was born which is a lot! She is still smiling 99% of the time and her brothers (and parents) still adore her to pieces. Both Ben and Josh had fevers and a stomach bug this past week, and miraculously Genevieve managed to stay healthy, thankfully! I don't think I could have handled another sick child. I'm so thankful that everyone is pretty healthy at the moment. Josh and Genevieve are still a little snotty, but it could be worse!
SLEEP: Sleep has been rough lately. She takes nice naps during the day, but nighttime is another story. I can't even count the number of times she wakes up overnight. It's tiring. She had been sleeping a good chunk from 7:00-1:00, give or take an hour, but now she is waking up during that chunk of time as well. She will usually go back to sleep after her nuk is put back in her mouth. After 2:00 though, it's a big blurry mess of wakefulness. I feel like I've tried so many different techniques and nothing seems to be working. I've been reading "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" but all their stats which basically say "most babies sleep well except for yours" are driving me crazy. She sleeps in the bassinet in our room. I'm tempted to switch her to her crib, because she has been napping nicely in there, but then I know I would just have to keep getting up to get her which doesn't sound fun given how often I am up anyway. Alright, I'll stop complaining now. I'm just exhausted. I can't be mad at her though because she typically isn't even that fussy, she's just awake and talking or squirming around. I'm hoping things get better in the near future!
EATING: Her feedings have been going pretty well. She typically has 2-3, 4-5oz bottles while I'm at work and then I nurse her whenever I'm home. I'm having a hard time finding time to pump at work to keep up with what she eats during the day! Luckily, I had a good stash started from shortly after she was born. The doctor said she should be getting about 24oz a day. She said if she's getting that, we could try to start rice cereal or oatmeal too. I think we are going to hold off for now. Although now that I think about it, maybe that could help with sleep. Hmm…
COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: She's just the most alert and happy little thing! She talks all the time and I love when the boys think they hear her say actual words. Soon enough, guys! I love how she recognizes my voice and she loves music.
FINE/GROSS MOTOR: Genevieve is definitely rolling from tummy to back and is THIS close from rolling from her back to her tummy. We don't have her do tummy time as much as we probably should, but that's partly because she rolls off of her tummy so quickly after we put her down. (She also spits up if it has been too soon after she eats!) She is constantly sucking on those little hands too.
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These pictures are so dark but look at her grow! |
We have been having the best time making Christmas memories with all 3 of our babes! It's the best. Our weekends have been jam-packed with festive fun and I know I'm going to be so sad when Christmas is over!