Wednesday, October 26, 2016

2 Month Old Genevieve (10/8/2016) & Updates On The Boys

My sweet girl is already 11 weeks and counting!  I go back to work on Monday and I am so sad about it!  This truly has been the best maternity leave ever.  Although I wish I could give all of my kiddos more attention, I really feel like I've gotten to spend quality one-on-one time with each of them.  I will miss them so much!  I am going to try and think back to when she was (just) two months when I write this.  She is changing so much and will be 3 months before I know it.  Although this post is late, her pictures were taken right on time!

GENERAL: Baby girl was 8#11oz and 21.5 inches at her 2 month check up.  She looked great!  She is truly happy almost 100% of the time and if she does squawk, she is easily calmed.  I told Andy that if all our babies were this easy, I would want 10 of them!

SLEEP: Her sleep has been nothing short of amazing.  She has had several 8+ hour stretches and for awhile was sleeping 8-5.  Lately, she has been waking up once a night and then will go right back to sleep after she eats.  She is also taking good naps during the day.  I will put her to bed awake and she falls asleep within a few minutes.  It's AMAZING.  As an aside, we moved Josh up to his big boy bed in Ben's (now his) room a little over a week ago.  It went surprisingly well the first few nights but the last few nights (aside from tonight) have been ROUGH!  Joshy has been crying and getting a lot!  By some miracle, he did not get out of his bed at all tonight.  I hope this continues!

EATING: Genevieve has been nursing about every 2-4 hours during the day.  She will spit up if she eats to much, so I try to keep her upright after she eats.  She's pretty easy in the feeding department.  I hope this continues as well!  She has only had a bottle twice so I hope she takes it OK when I'm at work. 

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: She is such a social little lady!  She loves when you talk to her and will give the biggest smile instantly.  She is even happy when I have to wake her up to take the boys to or from school.  Her cooing noises are the best and I love when Ben and Joshy talk to her too.  

FINE/GROSS MOTOR: She rolled over a few times!  She is such a little wiggler.  She always scoots herself up to the top of the bassinet.  I am a little nervous about putting her on her tummy because she spits up when there is pressure on her tummy, but she's still pretty darn strong with good head control.  She is always looking around and watching her big, wild brothers play.

Speaking of her brothers, I wanted to post a quick update on them too.  

JOSH: 22 months
Joshy is talking more and more everyday.  He will pretty much copy everything that is said, though it's somewhat hard to understand at times.  I'm already missing that he doesn't say "yesh" for "yes" anymore and he now says "Ben" just like we do instead of with a little accent, but it's also nice that he is able to communicate better so he has been getting less frustrated with us!  He is always singing his own songs and is just a happy guy.  I love his little sense of humor and he makes me laugh out loud all the time.  He does certain things that he knows are naughty when he wants attention.  (Like coloring anything but paper or putting a bouncy ball in his mouth to give me a near heart attack as soon as I start to feed Genevieve.)  He is way more adventurous with his eating than Ben is and although he is still picky at times, it is nice that he will try things like meats, pizza, and eggs!  He is going to school on Mondays and Wednesdays and he cries with every drop off which totally breaks my heart.  His teachers report that it doesn't last long, but I'm hoping that he gets more comfortable with drop offs soon!  He absolutely adores his older brother and his baby sister and he is so loving with both of them.  He copies Ben's every mood and fortunately, Ben is a pretty darn good role model.  Even when Joshy is up to mischief, he will give the cutest little smirk so I will just want to give him kisses instead of disciplining him.  He is always trying to make Genevieve smile and will always point to her and say, "happy!" when she smiles.  I just love this little boy so stinking much! 

BEN: 4 years
Ben is such a grown up little 4 year old!  He is loving school so much and comes home with a new song, fact, or question (or 10) every day.  He is so excited to learn his letters and he can now write them all.  He is always asking us how to spell things, though he doesn't quite understand that it would take a long time to spell out, "We need to go to the store to get x, y, z... and then I want to come home and play baseball outside with daddy and Joshy before I eat dinner." He also loves coloring and does a great job of staying in the lines.  He is a bit of a perfectionist at times so I'm trying to help him not get so upset when something isn't perfect.  He does not miss a beat and you really have to be careful what you say around him.  He uses "big" words like "porchantly" aka "unfortunately" and it is so funny.  He is shy at times but other times will also talk to adults like he is an adult himself.  He has such a kind, sensitive heart and he even wrapped up one of his balls the other day to give it to a kid who doesn't have any toys.  He loves to take care of Joshy and Genevieve and he is such a protective big brother.  He still loves cuddles and he told me he will always want to snuggle with me.  I love him to bits and pieces as well.  

In summary, this trio makes my heart want to explode on a daily basis.  I often wonder how I got so blessed to be the mom of these 3 angels.  Truth be told part of the reason I have been bad with blogging regularly is because I have so many pictures that my (5 month old) phone and my laptop are FULL and it's hard to choose which pictures to use.  Maybe once I am back to work we will all have more of a routine and I will blog more.  But maybe not.  :)

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