Thursday, June 9, 2016

30 Weeks (6/6/2016)

How far along: 30 weeks! These weeks go so fast!  I can hardly believe we will have another baby soon!!  We are trying to decide when we should make the move of having Josh and Ben share a room.
Maternity clothes: You bet.  All dresses!  Still shopping even though I only have 2 months to go!  I should probably slow down there…
Best moment this week: I officially have a c/s date!  8/8 it is!  Just like I was hoping.  :)
Movements: He has been SO active lately.  I love it.  He actually just nearly kicked my laptop off my lap!  (I am more convinced than ever it is a boy!  If we had a name I would go as far as getting HIS name put on to something…)
Sleep: Joshy has been waking up at night and not going back down easily.  No, no, no!!!! I hope he gets his wakes up out of his system before baby arrives!  We cannot have multiple children up all night!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Labor signs: No
Exercise: I do a DVD in the morning if I'm up before the boys--- no not too often this week!
Looking forward to: Well tomorrow is already Friday so I'm looking forward to the weekend!  We've got a lot going on and of course, I just love weekends.  I already have my next doctor appointment this coming Tuesday.  I'm down to every other week for appointments!

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