Ben was giddy with excitement when he realized that we get to meet the baby tomorrow, but he was also very concerned that I will have to be at the hospital for a few days. He's going to miss me "so much!" Tonight before bed, he said he doesn't want to see the hole in my tummy and that he hopes they close it up right away after they get the baby out. He had a lot of questions about if it's going to hurt me and he just doesn't understand why I can't come home right away. He is very excited to hold the baby and claims he is going to help with feeding, changing, bathing, etc. He goes back and forth as to whether he thinks it is a girl or a boy.
Joshy has been extra attached to me lately. I am pretty positive he knows that something is up! I hope this doesn't rock his world too much! I know he will be the sweetest big brother, just like his own big brother, but it will still be very different for him. I will do everything in my power to help him be the happiest middle child possible! I don't know why middle children get such a bad rap!
We had a jam-packed last weekend as a foursome. Andy and I had a low-key Friday night of watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics . (Side note: Woohoo!! I'm SO excited for these Olympics! I remember watching them when I was pregnant with Ben. Watching swimming and gymnastics as I type!) Saturday was a big day for the older boys! They went camping at the park and had an absolute blast. I'm pretty sure it was the highlight of Andy's summer thus far! Andy said that Ben was constantly saying how he was having so much fun and that he loved Andy. Joshy and I stopped by to check out their campsite. The event was organized through the park. It was close to home and I made sure Andy had his phone by him at all times, just in case I needed him! It was pretty cool! They had Jenga, Twister, and other yard games, a trail mix bar, fishing, a movie (that Ben couldn't have cared less about), glow sticks, and breakfast in the morning. Ben slept right through the night, even with 4+ trains passing through the park all night long!
Meanwhile, I got in some quality one-on-one time with Joshy. It was a win for everyone. Even when he woke me up at 4:30. :) I brought him in to our bed and he some how ended up perpendicular to me with his little feet in my back.
This morning at mass, Ben's VBS program was performing a song. Ben warned us that he wasn't going to sing at all, but that he still wanted to go. He did not lie! He stood up there and didn't open his mouth or do an action the whole time. It was still so cute though. :)
The rest of the day was pretty lazy. I did some "power nesting" as I called it and cleaned and washed baby (boy) clothes! We played some family games before saying goodnight to my big boy and soon to be big brother!
Baby boy/girl, we are so ready for you! I know you will be the perfect addition to our family and you are already so loved by many people. It's time for bed now though! 12 hours from now, I'll be at the hospital getting ready to meet you!!

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