Monday, January 23, 2017

5 Month Old Genevieve (1/8/2017)

I better write this post before she is 6 months!  Ahhh, I truly cannot believe she's almost a half of a year old!  I've wanted to post pictures from Joshy's 2nd birthday (over a month ago now) and of course Christmas too, but I just cannot keep up with this blog!  Christmas was just the best this year.  Ben was more in to Santa letter writing than actually talking to Santa and Joshy shed some tears when he realized our Elfie wasn't coming back for another year, but overall everyone was as happy as can be.  Watching your kids get excited about Christmas is pretty much the best thing ever!  The whole season went WAY too fast and made me think that we need to get our Christmas stuff up a little earlier next year.  Joshy is still singing "Jingle Bells" and I love it.  

Despite our crazy schedules lately, life is so, so good.  I think this little babe is around 11#4oz and about 24.5inches.  I weighed and measured her on her 5 month birthday but of course I didn't write them down and I can't remember.  She's still the happiest little baby.  Time continues to go faster and faster.  Her little personality is coming out more and more by the day!  I just love her!  (We all do!)

SLEEP: Sleep has continued to be a challenge.  For awhile, she was on somewhat of a schedule, but that's now a distant memory and she's been waking up A LOT at night.  She still sleeps a good chunk from 7:00PM-1:00AM-ish usually, but lately that's been more like 7:00-11:00 and then every 1.5-2 hours after that.  She is taking a 1 hour nap at 9:00AM and then a 2+ hour nap in the afternoon.  (Unless my mom is watching her---hah!)  To be fair, she has had a cold or a cough more often than not lately, so that makes sleep tough!  (It's 8:35 as I'm writing this and she is squawking already…sigh…)  We just started putting her in to her crib recently, but as soon as she wakes up, I bring her back in to our room.

EATING: My goal was to get her to eat at 7:00AM, 1100AM, 3:00PM and 7:00PM as recommended in this book that I read, but I think her tummy is just too small.  She is having about 3, 4+oz bottles when I'm at work.  (I'm trying to find the time to pump to keep up with her!)  I can't even count how many times I nurse her during the night but it's a lot.  Someday she will be on a better feeding schedule.  Someday...

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: G has the best smile and she is still smiling about 95% of the time.  The other 5% of the time she is content.  She really doesn't fuss much at all.  She's still talking away!  I love her little noises.  She seems to be just like her brothers in that she likes to see what is going on!  She's always looking around, trying to find Ben and Josh.  And there is no one that can make her laugh like her big brothers can!

FINE/GROSS MOTOR: She's a rolling and wiggling machine!  She can get anywhere by scooting around on her back and propelling herself with her legs.  She has the bald spot on the back of her head to prove it!  She is so close to being able to sit by herself too.  How is that possible?!  Time is going so quickly.  I feel like she was only a quiet, sleepy, snuggly baby for about a week. (Well, she's still a snuggly baby!)

Baby Vivi, we love you so, so, so much!

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