I finally figured out how to use Google to help me with my picture overload issues. :) I have my home laptop which is nearly completely full so I cannot add any more pictures, and my work laptop which for some reason won't let me upload pictures from my phone. Hopefully Google photo archives will help me post more regularly.
It seems like as soon as school was out it got HOT over here! Well, everyday except the day of Ben's school pool party. It was in the upper 60's and the water was tepid at best, but that didn't stop the boys! They both had fun, but Joshy absolutely LOVED jumping in! They had pizza, adult beverages, cake, and a snow-cone truck! It was the perfect kick-off to summer!
We also took advantage of the zoo being open in the evening this past week! We love the zoo! The goats were out for the season so the boys were excited. They both made sure they had 2 quarters in their pockets so they could buy goat food. Even Genevieve liked the goats and was very vocal around them.
Andy had his half marathon on Saturday so of course his fan club was out in full force! He rocked it and beat his goal. (Like he always does!) Ben had his bike and I pushed the other 2 in the double stroller. Watching the boys yell, "go daddy, go!!" was the cutest thing. Ben was so proud that daddy got a medal. (Even though everyone got a medal. ;) )
Andy was hungry after 13.1 and so we were! We had a delicious lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. Auntie Anna brought the boys chop sticks home from China and they couldn't wait to test them out. Joshy preferred to use them as drumsticks.
Another major highlight of the weekend was the fact that my cousin's pool is open for the season! It was in the 90's over the weekend, so we went swimming both Saturday and Sunday. It was glorious! Ben was a little timid in the water and had no interest in getting his hair wet. Joshy, on the other hand, was jumping off the diving board like a pro!
It was a great weekend and of course I'm excited that we are more than half way to the next one!
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