My super awesome mom lovingly volunteered to have a sleepover with Ben so Andy and I could go away for the night. We did this last year, when Ben was 4 months old and I sobbed as we were leaving. This year, I nearly started to cry, but he was so darn happy to be with some of his favorite people that I was able to hold it together. We made a quick stop for lunch and some outlet mall shopping before we arrived at our favorite place for R&R: the spa. Andy even willingly missed part of the Packers game so that we could get facials and massages...for 150 glorious minutes, might I add. It was possibly the most relaxed I have ever been in my whole life.
Aside from our massages, we spent the majority of our time in the quiet room. This is the first time that either of us actually read for pleasure in a really long time! We lounged in our robes (dress code around these parts) and read, listened to tranquil music, and drank lemon water/ ate homemade granola for hours. No cell phones, no electronics (minus the iPad and Nook we were reading on...) just peace and quiet. HEAVENLY. Besides, it was -10 degrees outside with a -50 degree wind chill. Why go outside?! Although we were loving our getaway, we also missed our little man like crazy. Thankfully Nana was able to send us plenty of pictures of his sweet little face. For the record, we didn't totally give up electronics, they're just only allowed in your own room. I don't think I could have left my trusty phone at home! Seeing this face on
In addition to our anniversary celebration, we also celebrated with family that was in town from Boston and with some other friends we haven't seen for a long time. My mom hosted dinner for 20+ people on Friday night and 8 + Benji on Saturday night. I wish we could have big, delicious, and fun meals like this EVERY weekend. :) It was soooo much fun, even though we kept Ben up way past his bedtime!
And when we weren't eating this past weekend, we were just trying to keep warm. I do love being home and watching the snow, but it is less pretty when you know it is some obscenely cold, negative temperature outside. I am hoping that tomorrow will be in the positive when I leave for work in the morning, but I'm not holding my breath! Poor Benj just wants to put his sled to good use. In the mean time, he'll have to settle for climbing the windows. (Yep, standing on the window sill with no support.)
I'm not exactly sure if I am going to keep up with the weekend posts, but I'm going to try and keep posting as much as I can! Goodnight for now!
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