Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Weekend Recap: Momma-Benji Style

Andy went on his yearly snowmobiling trip this weekend, so it was up to Ben and me to have some fun.  Luckily it is impossible not to have fun with B!  We made sure we soaked up the last of our daddy time before he left.

Since Andy is the cook of the house, Ben and I ate out for most of our meals this weekend.  (two weekends in a row...oops!)  Although I know I am totally capable of preparing meals, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to go out with great company.  Friday night was dinner with my mom, John, and Auntie Anna.  It was our favorite restaurant for probably the 5th time this month.  :)

On Saturday I took Ben to the daycare at the gym for the very first time ever.  I almost started crying, but luckily he had plenty of distractions to keep him busy.  I rushed through my workout and a shower before going to pick him up.  There is a big window that looks in to the daycare.  When I went to get him, I scanned the whole room and could not find him anywhere.  I nearly had a heart attack before I found him by one of the daycare staff members, trying to open the cabinet under the sink.  CLASSIC BEN.  I didn't get the full, detailed report that I was hoping for, but they said he did great and that there were no tears.  SO proud of my guy!  To celebrate our success, we had a lunch date with my old college roomie and her daughter.  Ok, we weren't really celebrating our success, but had so much fun that it might as well have been a celebration.  It was great to catch up and  I absolutely love watching Ben interact with other kids--he loves it!  I see more playdates with his slightly older girlfriend in our near future.   

For dinner on Saturday, Ben and I went out with some of the wives of the guys Andy was snowmobiling with.  We had a great time, but unfortuantely Ben was not that interested in sitting nicely and having some quality girl talk.  I could only entertain him so long before it was time to put the babe to bed.  (How do single moms do this full time??)  We had to get some sleep before our Sunday adventure.  My mom, Joe, Anna, Ben, and I hit the road Sunday morning to visit my aunt and friend for the day.  

We met for a quick lunch before we were off to the children's museum.  That's right, there were 6 adults to 1 child.  Buddy boy is so spoiled in the attention department.  I think all of the adults had fun, and I am 100% positive that Ben had a blast.  It is hard to say what his favorite part was, but playing in the water, sweeping with a broom, and petting (odd) animals seemed to keep his attention the longest.  

While we missed Andy dearly, I am so glad that we were able to spend time with some of my (our) favorite people!  Ben L-O-V-E loves all of the people who love him.  It makes me happy to see the happiness he brings to others.  

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