The first one was at the library where he has story time on Thursdays. Unfortunately, I had to work, but daddy and both Nanas got to go, so I received plenty of pictures. :) Note the picture of Ben chowing down on his goodies.
We kicked off our Saturday morning with an egg hunt at the park. Daddy and Benj came with their game faces on. (It was cold!) There were a ton of kids there, but Ben kept up with the best of them. ;) There were even (indoor) kid activities after the hunt, so of course we had to wait in line for the guy making balloon animals. He didn't even cry when it popped before we got to the car. Note the picture of Ben chowing down on his goodies, again.
Ben snuck in a quick power nap before it was time for egg hunt #2 of the day. Side note: he loves wearing leg warmers! I love it too because it keeps him extra warm under his pants. :)
We got a little more dressed up for the second egg hunt of the day. Partly because Ben had chocolate all over his Ben the bunny shirt, but partly because it was a fancier affair. This egg hunt was at the racquet club Nana and Papa John belong to and it included an awesome brunch. Look at how nicely Benji cleans up. Who am I kidding? He looks cute no matter what! I love his little poses as we waited in line.
The egg hunt itself was a bit chaotic and since there were no limits on the number of eggs you could find, some kids got a ton of eggs and some kids got zero! (I was mad at the moms who didn't make their kids share!) Luckily Benji is an Easter egg finding master (and he had 4 adults looking out for him) so he was able to get a few eggs. :) Believe it or not, Ben was NOT afraid of that creepy Easter bunny. He didn't seem so creepy in real life, but now that I'm looking at the pictures, I realized that he always looks like he is staring at Benji.
After another power nap it was time for egg hunt #3.
The third and final hunt of the day was at Andy's parents' house. His big cousin/buddy was there, so Ben was all smiles. J, on the other hand, was getting mad that Ben was finding more than him. They both did pretty well in the end, and some of the eggs even had $$ inside. Ben sure loves feeding his piggy bank!
Finding eggs did not get old for Ben, and watching him get so excited for each and every egg he found did not get old for me. We also celebrated Easter with Andy's family on Saturday night. It turned in to a beautiful day weather-wise, so we were able to hang out outside after dinner. It was so nice!
On Sunday morning, the Easter bunny had hidden Ben's Easter basket. We were going to look for it after mass, but he was magnetically drawn to it, so we did that first. I don't have pictures of him looking at his basket because I was taking a video of all the sweetness. Although it seems like all we care about is egg hunts, we did take time to acknowledge the real reason for Easter. As usual, Ben was a complete angel during mass. For timing reasons, we went to the church I went to growing up, and it brought back such happy memories. It was the perfect way to start our day.
After mass, we went to my mom's house for the next Easter celebration. Although my mom had an awesome spread last Easter, she really outdid herself this year. The food was seriously amazing, even Ben agreed.
I'm mad at myself that I didn't take pictures of everyone that was there for Easter. :( Andy's parents plus my siblings and cousins were all there. I heart my family. Super Auntie Anna hid some more eggs for Ben to find, so he did just that!
We did manage to get a family photo, even though he doesn't look like the happiest little bunny in this picture.
I am also bummed I didn't take more pictures at our final Easter celebration of the day. We went to my cousins' house (my dad's side of the family) and Ben got to spend time with his buddy "Emmy!" The girls hid more eggs for Ben and they entertained him for hours. So sweet! When Ben wasn't hanging with his cousins, he was entertaining great-grandma. She gets such a kick out of him.

As you can see, it was a jam-packed weekend, but it was absolutely perfect and I feel so blessed. I just love my little family and my extended family so, so much. They are seriously the BEST.
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