Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Weekend Recap: Warmer Weather!!

It was just a typical Friday night at our house until we got a surprise visit from some of our cousins.  It was close to Ben's bedtime, but you would never know it because he was so excited to have guests.  We hadn't seen them since Christmas, so it was nice to catch up a bit.  Ben was acting extra silly and was of course loving the reaction he got from acting goofy.

We really didn't have any set plans for the weekend.  Although I was looking forward to it, I realized that I like to actually do things versus just stay at home, especially since it was nice out!  We did some cleaning in the morning, but then we went to the park with Ben's girlfriend, Maddie, and her parents.  Although the sun was shining, it got cold after awhile, so we went to get some food instead.  Love these kiddos!

Some of Andy's (our) friends who moved out of state about a year ago were back in town for the weekend, so we hung out with them and some other friends for the night.  It was nice because Ben is starting to play more independently.  He loves kids and was so excited to tag along with them.  I may have wanted to cry when one of the kids said, "Ben can't play with us, he is going to wreck our fort!"  I totally get it that no one wants to play with the baby, but still!  They were all so good with him though.  We would have stayed for hours, but had to leave before Ben ate the entire can of cool whip.

Sunday was even more beautiful than Saturday, so we spent the afternoon at the zoo!  Ben loved the zoo the last time he went, but he really LOVED it this time around.  First stop was the cow barn and he was just in awe.

He was so sweet and waved/said goodbye to every animal we saw, and he was sure to wave to all of the kids on the "choo choo."

I can't find the picture from Ben's first trip to the zoo, but I remember he was smaller than the monkey.  He is much bigger now and was even able to label the monkey's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

We still had plenty of daylight after the zoo, so we went on our first outdoor run of the year.  We went about 3.5 miles with Ben in the stroller.  It was awesome and it got me so excited to sign up for some runs this summer!  We did take play break half way through the run.  Someone was obsessed with the slide...

We were heading back home and had just finished our third hill in a row and we (well, I--I was pushing the stroller) decided to stop to walk for a bit, but Ben was not a fan.  He kept saying more and pointing forward, and we finally realized he meant more RUNNING, not walking.  He ultimately fell asleep though once we started running again.  Whatever it takes to get a napless boy to sleep!

My super awesome mom just got back from New York on Sunday, so she stopped over to see this cute little face.  She offered to stay with Ben so Andy and I could have an impromptu date night.  It is hard to say no to that!  We love date nights!  We had a nice dinner out while Benji had some quality Nana time. :)  Thanks, mom!!  It was such a fabulous weekend.  It made me excited for more warm weather!

School Update: Ben was a little sad when my mom dropped him off, but she spied on him through the one way window and he was up and playing within a few minutes.  He loved going on a walk outside and he napped for 1 hour and 45 minutes, so I would consider it a successful day.  Plus, he looked extra cute in his Brewers outfit for opening day!

Finally, I want to throw in a quick surgery update.  We met with Ben's surgeon today and we scheduled Ben's surgery for the end of this month!  I am excited yet nervous, and I am REALLY hopeful that this will be the last one!  We won't know until he is actually in surgery, but praying that this will be the end of surgeries for this sweetie pie!

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