Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Weekend Recap: Zoo & House Stuff

It's Tuesday so I'm making progress in my turnaround time with my weekend update posts!  I still wish I had time to post more often, but I am excited to say that I've posted a weekly update every single weekend for almost a year!  I was just looking back and realized that my first weekend recap post is similar to what we are doing these days, but Ben is so much bigger!  We did the zoo again this past weekend and we'll be going to the church festival this weekend.  And I though Ben had fun at these events last year... :)

Speaking of fun, one of our new favorite activities is going to the ice cream store.  There is a cute one near our house that has my favorite rainbow sherbet.  While I would prefer that Ben liked one of the higher calorie choices, I can't blame him for having such great taste.  He loves this stuff!  Friday night fun at it's best!

We had our last music class of the year on Saturday morning and then had a quick visit with Ben's girlfriend Maddie.  I think he definitely has a little crush on her.  I can only hope that she starts to see things the same way.  ;)  She was NOT impressed when he wanted to play with the ball she had.  Luckily they were friends again before we left.  

The next stop was the ZOO!  Ben is getting wise to the zoo and now wants to go on the train as soon as we get there.  "Choo choo!  On!" We love watching him on the train, so we really couldn't deny his request.  Look at him, "wave! kids!"

After the train, the second favorite destination is the goat feeding area.  "Feed! Goats! Hand! Fun!"  He doesn't have many sentences yet, but he definitely communicates with single words.  I love it.  I almost always know what he is trying to say.   Side note: look at how far I've come in my comfort with goats!  Still a germaphobe though!

And since it was plenty hot at the zoo, a firecracker pop was definitely in order.   These are really high up there on my list of favorite cool treats.  Ben and I apparently have the same list.  We were both happy campers until he dropped the red, white, and blue goodness in the area where you could pet a chinchilla and a turtle.  Yes, tears were shed.  

We didn't see a ton of animals this time around, but we were able to hit most of Ben's favorites.  Gotta love a trip to the zoo!

As always, we were all up bright and early on Sunday morning.  Andy wanted to get in his last long run before his half marathon, so he ran 9 miles while Ben and I did about 1 mile.   We stopped at the park and decided to wait there for daddy.  :)  

After the run, we had all worked up an appetite, so we decided to get brunch at one of our favorite restaurants.  I hadn't brushed my hair, showered, or even looked in the mirror, but it was too awesome outside to pass up eating outside.  Of course we only saw like 10 people we knew, including the gorgeous mother of two of the kids from Ben's story time at the library.  This was the third time that Ben has known people that we didn't know while being out.  (Cooler than his parents.)  The mom was gushing about how sweet Ben is though, so I momentarily forgot that I was a sweaty mess.  

Andy and I were so content sitting outside enjoying the morning.  We were having such a perfect day that we totally forgot about our last parenting class!  We were both bummed because we loved it, but we have the book so I guess we will have to do some work on our own.  Sunday was another gorgeous day, so we decided that we should get some yard work done around the house.   We made a quick run to Target to get some summer fun essentials (ie turtle pool and pool toys) before we hit the garden of garlic mustard weeds.  :(  

Playing in the pool was obviously more fun than weeding, (plus he needed a chaperone or two) so we unfortunately didn't get very far before Auntie Anna came over to pick up some of our basement furniture for her new pad.  Although Andy was initially hesitant to part ways with the furniture, he ended up being SO HAPPY that we did.  I had the BRILLIANT idea to move nearly all of Ben's toys, which had been overtaking our living room, into the basement.  We had bought some storage stuff at IKEA months ago, so it was time to put everything to good use.  Ben, Andy, and I are all in love with Ben's new playroom!  It is SO NICE to not have one million toys in the living room, plus Ben has much more room to run around.  This picture doesn't even show half of the room, so Ben has a big space to run around like a crazy boy.  We are still on cloud nine about this change. 

It has made it a little harder to hide some of our...less favorite toys, but at the end of the day, everything goes back into its respective bucket for the night. :)


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