Sunday, June 9, 2013

Weekend Recap

Man, I sure live for the weekend!  While I miss working 3, 12-hour shifts a week, I most definitely do NOT miss working weekends (or holidays, for that matter.)  Slowly but surely, it is finally getting a little nicer around here.  It is almost summer after all.  And since it is almost summer, this means that our half marathon is coming up next weekend.  AHHHHH.  This seemed like such a good idea when we signed up in January.  Fast forward 6 months, and I should be in super, amazing shape with abs of steel and toned arms by now.  Unfortunately, this is NOT the case.  I was on such a good workout schedule for a month or two...  I literally ran ONCE in May (about 4 or 5 miles) and I've run twice in June thus far (8 miles and then 6.5 miles).  I am considering walking for a minute every 10 minutes.  I am sort of disappointed in myself on the lack of training, but there seriously are not enough hours in the day!  (And Ben does not sleep enough hours in the night...)

Just helping momma do some reverse cleaning.  (i.e. making a mess)
Alright, I'll stop whining about that for now.  On with the highlights of the weekend.  Ben went to his first festival or fair or whatever you want to call it.  It was our church festival that we always meant to go to the past few years, but it never worked out.  More likely than not, it was too hot last year and my prego self would have been whining the whole time.  It was a last minute decision to go and we're so glad we went!  It was a beautiful night and it just smelled like summer!  (Actually, that might have been the corn.)  Personally, I was enjoying the fact that Ben is still too young to want to go on rides or to buy cheap but expensive toys.  Cold beverages, perfect weather, and fabulous friends, what more can you ask for?  How about being home before bedtime?  Check.

"I'm not going on any ride called "freak out."

Someone snuck some cotton candy from one of his buddies.  (He didn't actually eat/like it.)

Ben was up before the sun today, probably because he was so excited for the ZOO!  Last time we went to the zoo, Ben was more interested in the noise of a crinkling bag than he was the animals.  This time...he still wasn't overly excited about the animals, but he would at least look at the animals I was pointing at.  I think he had fun!  And if he didn't have fun, daddy had enough fun for all of us.  I should have counted the number of times, "I want a (fill in the blank with any and every zoo animal)!" came out of his mouth.  We got to feed the goats, "pet" a sting ray, and ride the train, so all in all a quality family trip to the zoo. 

Proof that I actually let a goat eat off of my hand.

"Sure we can get a goat--when goats fly."

Benji says, "ALL ABOARD!"

"Don't let them sting me, Daddy!  I'll just watch."

I don't have any fun photos, but I ended my day at a baby shower for an old co-worker.  It was great to see old friends and I am SUPER excited for her little boy to arrive in July.  She has no idea how amazing her life is about to become. :)  I am going to try really hard to update this blog at least once a week!  Ben turns 9(!!!) months on Thursday so I will at least have something to write about by the 13th!

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