Thursday, September 13, 2012

Happy Birthday, Benjamin Andrew!

Ok, clearly I didn't really write this on his birthday, at the exact minute he was born, but I had to get the correct date/time in there.  :)

I have his birth story written in my journal, and maybe some day I'll type it up, but for now, here are some pictures from baby boy's first few days of life!

Before heading to the hospital!
Before Heading to the Hospital!

Ready to officially become mommy & daddy!
Ready to Officially Become Mommy and Daddy!

Off to the NICU for baby & daddy!
Off to the NICU Goes Baby and Daddy!

Most handsome baby ever, even with all of those tubes!
Most Handsome Baby Ever (even with all of those tubes)

First family photo!  (Even though I had to wait almost 8 hours to meet you, baby boy!)
First family photo! (Even though I had to wait almost 8 hours to meet you, baby boy!)

The Packers played the Bears on your bday...and they won.
The Packers played the Bears on your birthday...and won!

"Momma, do you realize that it is 1:00 in the morning? Will you always hang out with me at this time?"
"Momma, do you realize that it is 1:00 in the morning? Will you always hang out with me at this time?"

Sweet Baby Boy
Sweet Baby Boy

I love my daddy.
I Love My Daddy

I also love my mommy.
I Also Love My Mommy.

My first real outfit!
My First Outfit!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 37

37 Weeks  9/12/12
37 Weeks: 9/12/2012
How far along? 37 weeks (Tomorrow is baby's bday!!!)
Maternity clothes?  I was thinking this would be my last day for maternity clothes, but who knows when I'll be able to fit in my old clothes again!
Best moment this week: I anticipate that tomorrow will be the best day of my life!  I get to meet my baby boy face to face!
Sleep:  I hope I get some sleep tonight!
Miss anything? Working out and being in shape.  I feel like a big blob these days.   Yes, I second this sentiment from last week.
Movement: Still swimming away, thank goodness!!
Food cravings:  No.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.  What a nice pregnancy, queasy-wise.
Labor signs: Nope.
Exercise: I've been pretty close to sedentary for the majority of this pregnancy, why change now?  I will, however, return to my working out ASAP after little peanut is here!
Happy or moody most of the time:  Happy doesn't even begin to describe it!
Looking forward to: This goes without saying (typing)---tomorrow is Baby Fish's bday!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Week 36

36 Weeks: 9/5/2012
How far along? 36 weeks (Holy cow!)
Maternity clothes?  Only have to put together a few more "work" outfits!  I still prefer sundresses.
Best moment this week: Getting the c-section date finalized!  September 13th it is!
Sleep:  It isn't bad, but I've been waking up at 4:00am pretty regularly and then I have trouble falling back to sleep.  I'm not complaining though.  Surprisingly, I haven't really been too tired.
Miss anything? Working out and being in shape.  I feel like a big blob these days.
Movement: He is still moving a lot!  I love it.
Food cravings:  No.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.
Labor signs: Only those Braxton Hicks contractions, but that's nothing new.
Exercise: Does watching Andy do the Tough Mudder this weekend count?
Happy or moody most of the time:  Happy!  Extra happy and excited!
Looking forward to: Meeting out baby boy in less than 1 week!  Ahhh!!!!