Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve!!

Today is my official due date, and I am holding my sweet little boy in one hand while typing with the other.  I am so content.  I would be lying if I said I didn't miss my other 2 boys, who are celebrating Christmas with my cousins at my mom's, but I decided that I have too much to be happy about to dwell on what I'm missing.

I suppose I should officially announce and welcome Joshua Joseph, born 12.18.14 @ 0933 weighing in at 6#8oz and measuring 19.25 inches long.  He is perfect!  As many would say, he looks just like Ben.  He also has Ben's 6th sense of being able to tell the exact moment that he is placed into his bassinet and therefore wakes up.  :)  I'm going to try and recap Josh's birthday as long as it is still fairly fresh in my mind.

As I believe I mentioned in the past, I went back and forth as to whether or not I should have a VBAC versus a repeat c-section.  Honestly, I really wanted a VBAC, but when I looked at the stats, big picture, and after talking with my OB, Andy, and my mom, I realized that a c/s was the least risky way of getting to meet my boy.  I'll never know when he would have decided to come on his own, but now that he is here I can't imagine waiting another second to meet him!

Surprisingly, my OB said there were a lot of people due around the holidays, and due to his busy schedule, we had to arrive to the hospital at 0400 for a 0600 start time if we wanted him to do the c/s.  Somehow, Andy and I were able to fall asleep fairly easily and we got about 5 hours of sleep that night.  Ben slept at my mom's so that we wouldn't have to worry about him.  I missed him.  He missed us.  I almost started crying when my mom sent this picture of him staring at my picture that morning.

We arrived right on time.  It was dark and a little eerie walking in to the hospital at that hour, but we were too excited to be creeped out.  We met our RN, the anesthesia resident, got my IV started (2 pokes), and got hooked up to the monitors.  My OB called to make sure everything was still on schedule and to say that he was on his way.

Unfortunately, by the time he arrived, things had changed.  There are 2 ORs and they only use one at a time in case there is an emergency.  Right before we were going to start, another momma to be who had been laboring and not progressing for a long time needed a c/s, and thus I got bumped.  My OB was also her OB, so he had to do hers.  This meant that he was then unable to do mine.  I was super bummed!  Fortunately, there was another great OB who was potentially going to do my c/s in the first place if we didn't want to arrive at 4:00AM.  So, although we were down some sleep and my wonderful OB wasn't able to do my c/s, I knew I was still in good hands.  The pre-op waiting room is right outside the OR, so it was a little hard when I heard baby Ava crying knowing that it should have been Baby Fish, but I'm sure stuff like this happens all the time in the world of babies!

It was finally my turn to go back a little after 9:00.  I walked back there to get my spinal while Andy waited for them to get my all ready.  I obviously wasn't looking forward to the needle in my back, but I remembered it not being that bad last time.  The attending looked at by back first.  She probably jinxed it when she said, "she has palpable and visual spaces" for the needle to be placed.  Then comes the resident.  She told me to round my back and stay completely still.  I did exactly what I was told, with the nurse in front of me, coaching me too.  At one point, my whole left leg/butt twitched from what I am assuming was her triggering a nerve with the needle.  She then told me again to stay still--as if that was a voluntary movement.  Sheesh!  After I told her I could definitely feels something different on the left side (hoping I wasn't going to be paralyzed!) she finally got things in the right spot.  Or so I thought.  I remembered this from last time, that after the spinal was in, they quickly got everything else ready so they could start the c/s.  They did a sensation test every few minutes.  I didn't go numb as quickly as they thought, so they had to put me in an upside-down position to let gravity do the trick.  When I was finally numb, they brought Andy back and got started.

I was a little nervous, but I didn't feel them make the incision so I took that as a good sign.  After awhile though, things got much more painful than I remember them being.  I knew I would feel pressure, but I was almost crying as I squeezed Andy's hand.  I can't remember if I asked for more pain medication or not, but they gave me something which still did not help.  I couldn't feel everything, but I was not comfortable.  They gave me a second pain med (ketamine) which I did NOT like at all!  I remember the room turning white and spinning and I felt like I was fading in an out of consciousness.  Finally, after what seemed like forever, I heard a baby crying!  I was still out of it, but I knew that the crying baby noise was a good sign.  I am pretty sure I heard them say that they needed to use a vacuum to get him out.  I do know that his APGARS were 8 & 9.  I remember them showing me his sweet self before they went to go check him out.

After he was all cleaned up, they brought him back for me to get a better look.  I was still pretty confused and I kept asking why I felt like I did and when it was going to go away.  They assured me that it wouldn't last long.  I kept thinking that they were having me hold the baby (even though they weren't) and I kept saying, "I will drop him!  Someone hold him!  I don't feel right!" Andy and everyone else repeatedly assured me that I wasn't going to drop him.

Before I knew it, Andy and baby were off for baby's first bath while they stitched me up.  So yeah, not the greatest birth experience, but I suppose all is well that ends well!  I got my perfect, healthy boy and it doesn't get better than that!  When my OB came to see me later, he seemed quite surprised by the meds they gave me.  On the plus side, I didn't throw up at all!  After Ben, I was throwing up for 8+ hours after delivery.

My recovery was rough initially, but overall it seems to be better than last time.  Ben is so sweet in remembering that I cannot carry him because I have a big owie on my tummy.  Speaking of Ben, he has done so well in his new role as the big brother.  He has been acting out a little more than usual, but overall he is so sweet, loving, and gentle.  He wants to kiss and hold him all the time.  He has a bit of a cold so we are trying to limit their close contact, which is hard to do!  This video isn't the first time they met (my dad has that one), but it is still sweet.  

The nurses I had on the Mom/Baby unit were amazing.  We even had my favorite nurse from when Ben was born.  I just now realized that I didn't get pictures with any of the RNs, but we totally should have!

I am sure there are things that I am missing, but that's all I can think of for now.  He already had his first pediatrician appointment and at 4 days old, he was almost back to his birth weight.  He was/is a little jaundiced, but he doesn't need any further labs for this.  He is nursing like a champ which was so surprising because nursing didn't exactly go well last time.  My milk has also come in with a vengeance, just like last time, so I'm hoping that regulates soon!  

The pediatrician recommended that we limit visitors for at least the first 2 weeks of his life to help him stay as healthy as possible.  If a newborn gets a fever, he/she needs to be admitted to the hospital for a sepsis workup.  For this reason, we decided that Josh and I will stay home from all of the Christmas festivities we have planned over the next several days.  I did cry a bit--darn hormones--but I am just so grateful to be HOME and not in the NICU that I really can't complain.  Andy has been sending pictures and my guess is Ben won't remember that I wasn't there.  :)

Although we won't have a white Christmas this year, we are going to try and do everything we can to make this Christmas as festive as possible…at home!  Clearly we already got the best gift every this year.  We are so blessed.  Merry Christmas to all!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

39 Weeks

How far along? 39 weeks!  Tomorrow is baby's birthday!!!!
Maternity clothes?  I truly enjoyed picking out my FINAL maternity outfit for work today.  Adios, maternity wear!  (Not to say I'll be fitting in my own clothes again tomorrow afternoon)
Movement:  All the time.  I love it!  It is one less thing for me to worry about.  
Sleep: actually (finally) have been getting up at least once a night to go to the bathroom.  It's about 50/50 if I fall back to sleep right away.  I hope to go to bed early tonight because we have to be to the hospital at 4:00AM!  Praying I get some sleep tonight because I imagine there won't be much of it tomorrow!
Food cravings:  No.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.   

Labor signs: I am having more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions.  That's about it!
Exercise: Nope.  Stairs are my exercise these days.   
Miss anything? I really don't mind being pregnant, but I am excited that I will no longer be preggo after tomorrow!  
Looking forward to:  Finally meeting baby brother!  
Best moment this week:  I'm sure tomorrow will be the best moment this week!  After excessive agonizing over VBAC versus repeat c/s, I finally decided that I would do another c-section.  I really wanted to try a VBAC, but ultimately the risks and statistics were too scary for me.  I have heard/seen too many VBAC horror stories.  I just want him to be born as safely as possible!  I am so excited to meet this little guy and I'm also so eager for Ben to meet him too!  I am sure he will love his little brother to death, but I think it will be hard for him to share the spotlight!  He gets so much attention right now. :)  He is sleeping at Nana's tonight.  We told him that the doctor is going to get the baby out tomorrow.  I'm not sure he fully understands this. :)  

Monday, December 15, 2014

Weekend Recap: Breakfast With Jesus & Other Fun Things

Happy Monday!  I'm usually not so happy for a Monday, but this one hasn't been bad and it will likely be my last one at work for the next 12 weeks.  Woohoo!  We had another festive and fabulous weekend.  I also was quite pampered and spoiled this weekend.  I had a massage on Friday night and a pedicure on Saturday.  Both were nice and relaxing but alas, no baby this weekend like I was hoping.  :)  On Saturday morning, my mom took Ben to Breakfast with Jesus.  It was literally less than 13 times the cost of Breakfast with Santa but I think Ben had 100x more fun.

He didn't get scared for a second when it was time to take a picture with baby Jesus.  He even tried to hold him (which wasn't allowed) in preparation for holding his own baby brother, I'm sure. ;)

It was just too cute to miss so I met them there along with Auntie Anna.  They even had a little play with the Nativity story that Ben (with encouragement from Auntie Anna) participated in.  It was pretty much the cutest thing ever.  He was the ever important cow.

He might have been motivated by getting to watch kids play basketball after the play, but it was cute nonetheless and he was so proud of himself.  Me too!

Ben and Andy had more bonding time on Saturday afternoon/evening because I went out with my co-workers.  We did one of those painting and wine classes and it was so fun!!  I seriously have the best co-workers ever!!

I didn't get to enjoy the vino, but I did get soft pretzels and water---just as good!

I loved getting out for a bit, but I sure missed my boys since weekends are usually all about my boys!  I did get to have breakfast, well, donut Sunday after mass, and lunch with my main men on Sunday.  Ben's ears perked up the minute he heard donuts and since he never gets too excited about food, we couldn't deny his repeated requests for donuts.  He even ate a whole half!

Next we had lunch before I headed off to the Nutcracker with my mom, sister, and aunt.   Just another fancy meal for Aaron Rogers!

As much as I was hoping the baby would arrive last weekend, I am so glad I didn't miss the Nutcracker!  We go every year and I love it! Yep, we got in line like all the kids were doing for pictures before the show.  :)

That pretty much wraps up our weekend!  Time to go watch Home Alone with Andy and try and figure out if I want to have a c/s on Thursday or try a VBAC whenever the little guy decides to show up.  Why do I have to decide?!  There are pros/cons to both!  I just want him to arrive on his own time…which is hopefully soon!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Weekend Recap: St. Nick & Santa!

Despite all of the germs that are floating around our house, we are still trying out hardest to enjoy this holiday season!  We couldn't let St. Nick miss our house!  Andy was gone at school last weekend, so we asked St. Nick to come early.  (He did!)  Ben wasn't totally getting the whole, "you have to be good because St. Nick is watching you" deal, but thankfully he was pretty good so we didn't have to take away his stocking before he got it.  He had a great time dumping out everything and checking out his goodies!

I took my eye off of him for a minute and he was far too quite for my liking.  Where did I find him?  Acting innocent with a nee nee in his mouth.  It turns out he had colored on the window sill with his new green marker, but he ran to get a baby wipe and actually did a great job cleaning it up while repeating, "only color on paper" to himself.  Hard to be mad at the sweet little guy.  :)

Ben and I were supposed to meet up with Maddie and Sarah on Friday night for an outdoor tree lighting, but his nose was running like a fountain and I still wasn't feeling too hot, so we decided to stay home.  Besides, he had to rest of up for his big breakfast with Santa on Saturday!  My mom and I took him to see Santa at a hotel downtown.  It was really fancy--probably a little too fancy (and pricey) for what it was, but we sure had fun!

Nothing but the finest utensils before seeing Santa!  (He had approximately 3 bites total.)

Getting to meet Santa after breakfast wasn't the greatest motivator to get him to eat…

After Santa arrived, the line was pretty long, so we decorated gingerbread cookies and wrote letters to Santa while we waiting for the line to die down.

I'm pretty sure Ben's letter said, "I want footballs."  (Pretty darn good footballs if I do say so myself.)

We talked up Santa the whole time we were in line, and I really thought he was going to be fine with him, but no such luck.  I attempted to put him on Santa's lap, but he arched his back and kicked his legs and at 18 months pregnant, I had no chance of winning this one.  

He was still brave though, and he told Santa he wants a baby brother for Christmas.  It was the cutest!  Santa wasn't sure if he would be able to provide that, but I assured him I would take care of it.  ;)

We did manage to get somewhat of a picture with Santa!

He wouldn't even give Santa a one-finger touch.

He was a happy camper again when he was back with Nana and Momma….and a candy cane. 

Oh, and fruit loops.

He had no interest in pictures by the gorgeous tree.  

Meeting Santa is exhausting.  He was out in no time at all!

Saturday night was probably our last night out as parents of an only child!  It was my work Christmas party, so Ben had a sleepover at my mom's while Andy and I were out on the town.  We didn't partake in the karaoke but my belly and I did manage to get in a little "Cupid Shuffle."

Sunday was a fairly lazy day.  I don't have a lot of pictures, but we went to Auntie Anna's for a chili party for lunch.  It was delicious.  I also attempted to be crafty and made some Christmas gifts for my co-workers.  My chocolate covered pretzels were a huge disaster, but Andy was able to sort of salvage them and he claims they were still tasty!  Look at these things!!  Hard to tell what they are...

The final product wasn't quite what I had envisioned, but it was still fairly cute.  

On Sunday night, we went to dinner with some friends we hadn't seen in forever before we called it a weekend.  I hope this coming weekend I will finally pack my hospital bag, detox the house, and get some of baby boy's clothes washed and ready to go!  I can't believe I haven't done this yet! 

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks! 
Maternity clothes?  Of course!  
Movement:  He loves kicking me in the upper right side near my ribs.  I love feeling those little kicks!

Sleep: I'm sleeping better now that I'm finally feeling better!  Unfortunately Andy seems to have whatever Ben and I had.  Still hoping for a healthy house by the time baby arrives!
Food cravings:  Not really.  I haven't been extremely hungry lately.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.   

Labor signs: Just Braxton Hicks contractions.  I keep hoping for some though! 
Exercise: Something tells me I won't be seeing the inside of the gym for awhile now.   
Miss anything? Rolling in bed with ease would be nice. :)
Looking forward to:  Meeting baby boy!!  Likely in a week!  This week was a little stressful because the little guy is measuring quite a bit on small side, which has me freaking out a bit.  I was really hoping to try for a VBAC, which I could still do, but a bigger part of me now just wants him out safe and sound.  (And the sooner the better!)  I have a c/s scheduled for  next Thursday!

Best moment this week:  I'm so happy that I feel better!  I am also looking forward to a relaxing weekend---massage tomorrow night and a pedicure on Saturday.  I can't wait!  I'm also seeing the Nutcracker on Sunday and hanging out with my co-workers on Sunday.  Although, I wouldn't mind at all if baby boy decided he wants to make an appearance this weekend…

Thursday, December 4, 2014

37 Weeks

(As usual, time was very limited this morning, thus the work clothes versus the workout clothes.)
How far along? 37 weeks! (and 1 day, to be exactthe age that I had Ben at!)
Maternity clothes?  Absolutely.  I'm wearing skirts and dresses for comfort reasons.  
Movement:  He is still moving a ton.  Ben actually got to feel some real kicks tonight too!
Sleep: My sleep has not been great this week, but this is primarily from coughing and blowing my nose all night long.  I am STILL under the weather and I actually got worse over the last few days.  I have never had a cough/cold this long.  It's miserable!  Ben has the same thing but he seems to be handling it better than me.  He is constantly asking, "Momma ok?  Momma ok?" And then saying, "feel better momma" in the sweetest little voice.  LOVE that boy.  
Food cravings:  Not really.  Still loving my pomegranates and I'm afraid they are already going out of season.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: No.   
Labor signs: Not unless being 1cm dilated is a labor sign.  ;)  
Exercise: I like to think what used to be my abs/obliques are getting a work out from coughing so much!  Poor baby boy is probably wondering what is going on!
Miss anything? Feeling healthynot having a cough/cold
Looking forward to:  Feeling better!  I'm also looking forward to Breakfast With Santa this weekend with Benji!  I really just want to feel better before Baby Boy arrives though!
Best moment this week:  Despite feeling like garbage, it has been a good week.  I can't believe tomorrow is FRIDAY!  My sweet coworkers had a surprise baby shower for me today.  We also had St. Nick come last night so Andy could be there since he has school this weekend.  And then he will be done for a whole month.  I CANNOT WAIT!!!  So baby brother, we are ready for you any time after daddy is done on Saturday.   

Monday, December 1, 2014

Weekend Recap: Thankful!

We had a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend.  We truly have so much to be thankful for.  I am so thankful for my little family.  My little turkey woke up ready for some fun, so we decided to make Thanksgiving art.  He LOVES painting.

But he doesn't like to be dirty for long, so arts and crafts time was short-lived.

We watched some of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and read the newspaper.  Ben's new phrase is "want to get snuggly" and it was pretty much the cutest thing ever when he told Andy he wanted to get snuggly to "read the book" about toys.  He was sure to find the deals on each and every ball and hoop.  

Our first stop of the day was my cousin's house for a fabulous Thanksgiving meal.  I don't have many pictures from the day, but I did manage to get one of the main chef, looking cute in her apron!

It was a delicious meal with all the trimmings, including Ben's meal of choice…

He was seriously too busy playing to eat more than a few bites, but I suppose that I should just be thankful he is so healthy despite his eating habits! 

Our next stop was Andy's parents' house.  Ben was clearly excited about seeing his cousin, Jacob.

We had an Italian meal, since Andy's mom knew that we were already having a big turkey feast.  Believe it or not, Ben had round 2 of his fruit feast.

We did manage to get a family picture in though.  Counting down the days as a family of 3!

It was a nice and relaxing day.  Andy wanted to host this year, but I am quite glad that we didn't!  Once we have more room to entertain, we hope to host more holidays at our house!

Andy had a lot of school work to do last weekend in preparation for his finals this weekend, so he studied while Ben and I had fun.  My mom and Auntie Anna watched Ben and my cousin's kids while I did some shopping.  He was in heaven.  He loves, loves, loves Theo, Simmy, and Lydia. 

He even got to decorate his own Christmas tree at Nana's after the other kids left.  This boy is SO loved.

I'm mostly done with my shopping, but it was nice to have some free time to run errands.  It was also nice that the crazy black Friday crowds had dwindled by the time I was out.   The crowds were in full force at our favorite restaurant on Friday night!  Definitely worth the wait, as always!

On Saturday morning, it was Simone's baptism.  This is the best picture I have.  She was so content and smiley the whole time.  Love her!!

It was a small but nice little service and then we had a lunch for her.  Ben was again in heaven getting to play with his buddies!  He and Theo had matching green pants---unplanned!

I have to sneak in our family photo too.  They are getting harder and harder to take!

It was one party after another on Saturday.  I was exhausted, but Ben was a raring to go!  We decided to make a quick trip to the tree farm on Saturday to pick out our tree.  This was one of my favorite holiday memories from last year and we had a blast this year as well.  

Ben did a great job helping find the perfect tree.  I love his face in this picture. 

He forgot to bring his own saw (because we couldn't find it) so he just helped by watching daddy cut the tree.

Ta-da!  The perfect little tree!

And just to prove that I was there too…

We rushed home from the tree farm to go to my cousin Brian's 40th birthday party.  I, for one, was exhausted, but Ben and Andy were ready to celebrate.  Ben loves all of his cousins so much, so of course he was excited to play with them again!

He thought he was pretty darn cool playing shuffle board.  Well, until his hands got sandy, which he did not like.  

He was otherwise all smiles!

Cheers, Brian!  And congrats on your ENGAGEMENT as well!

Saturday was a fairly late night for Ben (9:00PM), and he slept until 8:00 the next morning!  It was amazing!  He woke up and "got snuggly" with Andy doing some work.  

Then we went to brunch with Maddie.  We've had to cancel plans with them for various reasons, so it was nice that we were all healthy and able to get together!  Ben got to see so many of his favorite people this weekend!  (They are our favorite people, too!)

Andy studied on and off the rest of the day.  We also did a little holiday decorating.   Baby's personalized stocking arrived!  Oops, we had it facing the wrong way.  ;)

Last, but not least, we decorated our tree!  Honestly, tree decorating was not the highlight of my weekend, but all's well that ends well!  Ben was less than gentle with all of the ornaments, even though we tried to give him only the plastic ones.  We had just put up the very last ornament and DOWN went the entire tree--breaking ornaments and dumping the entire bucket of water on the carpet.  Long story short, our tree was too skinny for the stand that it was in, but after a quick run to Target, we were back in business.  Most importantly, no one got hurt!  (And our tree is now secured with rope, just to be on the safe side.)

Our Advent calendars are up and my heart is so full and ready for Baby Fish #2 to arrive!  November flew by and I'm anticipating that December will go even faster!  We are teaching Ben about Santa but we also want him to know the real reason for the season.  Our other Advent calendar is a nativity scene and he gets to add a piece every day.  

I can't believe this Thursday will mark the point I was in my pregnancy when we got to meet Ben!  I cannot wait to meet his baby brother!  Hoping and praying for a smooth and uneventful remainder of my pregnancy.