Thursday, September 29, 2016

1 Month Genevieve (9/8/2016)

Hi!  I am almost a month behind on this post, but better late than never!  I have so, so, so many pictures and moments that I've wanted to blog about, but I always seem to find other things that take priority.  Genevieve is now 7 weeks old and she gets sweeter by the day.  I'm going to do my best to stay on top of her monthly updates!  My goal is to write more frequent, less wordy posts.  We'll see how that goes.  I tend to ramble a bit…

GENERAL: This little girl has just brought so much happiness to our already happy home.  Her big brothers continue to adore her.  I thought the novelty would wear off but they are still both so excited to see her every morning and they kiss her about 1000 times per day.  Unfortunately, she has a little bit of a cold that I believe her brothers shared with her, but she's handling it quite well.  At her 1 month check up, she was 7#3oz and I believe 20.5 inches.  She rarely cries and seems pretty laid back and content as far has babies go.

SLEEP: I'm trying to remember back a few weeks ago, but she sleeps a lot!  There were several days where she seemed to sleep all day and I was afraid she would be up all night, but she wouldn't!  The first few weeks she was up every 2-3 hours.  There were only 1 or 2 nights (that I remember) where she was up about every hour.  She had (has?) a bit of that "witching period" they talk about in the evenings, which is why my blogging has been minimal!  The boys go to bed at 7:30 and then she must say, "awesome--now I get all the attention!" and she stays up until 9:00 or 10:00.  I love holding that sweet little thing, but it leaves me with little time to get anything else done.  Oh well!  As they say, babies don't keep and she is looking less and less like a newborn these days.  Sigh…  She has been falling asleep quite nicely if we put her down awake so I am hoping and praying that we have a great sleeper!  She's a noisy little grunter at night but it beats crying!

EATING: She has been nursing like a (speedy) champ.  I used to worry about how little my kids would nurse for but that just seems to be how they roll.  She will nurse for 5 minutes on one side and then she's done.  She eats every 2-3 hours during the day.  She will spit up if she nurses much longer than that.  I think this is because her tummy isn't that big!

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: She is becoming more and more alert.  She is tracking and starting to focus more.  We are starting to hear her sweet little coos.  Josh likes to copy every noise she makes and then he laughs at himself.  It's so cute.

FINE/GROSS MOTOR: Just like her brothers, G is a mover!  She can break out of any swaddle and will often wake up with no blanket on her at all.  She also scoots herself up to the top of the bassinet.  She must like it to touch her head.  Her head control is improving as well.  She doesn't seem to love tummy time, but she will tolerate it for a bit.

It's hard to believe I only have 5 weeks left of maternity leave!  I've been stressing about childcare but I think we may have things figured out at the moment.  I love, love, love being home with these 3!  I do miss work and the structure and routine of that, but I'm not looking forward to leaving them!