Thursday, February 19, 2015

2 Months (2/18/2015)

Happy 2 months, sweet baby boy!  I blinked and it has already been a month since I last posted.  With Andy studying most nights, I am usually hanging out with the sweetest little babe and he likes my whole attention! (Kinda like his big brother!) It has been another fabulous month and I truly love being home with my boys.  Especially lately since there have been negative temps outside lately!  Josh had his 2 month check up today and the pediatrician used the word "perfect" several times.  I'll take it and agree.

Alright, you woke up so I'm holding you again, but hopefully you'll go back to sleep!

And now it has been another 45 minutes since I wrote that last sentence.  See what I mean??  :)  Let's try again!

GENERAL: Josh, you continue to be the perfect addition to our family.  Your brother simply adores you and with all the sicknesses he has been picking up lately, we have to try REALLY hard to keep him away from you.  He loves to kiss you!  He also loves to make you smile, which you are quite good at these days.  You weighed in at 9# 10oz today and you were 21.75 inches, which is around the 5th percentile for both!

SLEEP:  Your sleep has gotten a lot better this past month, especially over the last few nights.  (Hopefully I didn't just jinx things.)  Your naps still aren't the greatest and you definitely prefer to be held, but once and awhile you'll nap in either our bed or your bassinet for awhile.  You fall asleep almost instantly in the Solly Wrap but I would still prefer a bed. :)  At night, you are typically nursing around 8 or 9 and then you'll sleep usually until around 1:00 or 2:00AM.  You'll nurse and then go back to sleep until around 5:00AM or so.  You have not been staying awake for those long stretches in the early morning hours like you had been.  Again, please don't let this be jinxing things.  You still prefer your tummy to sleep so we let you do that on occasion when nothing else seems to be working.  I'm a stomach sleeper too so I can't blame you!  I'll feel better about it after you start rolling.

EATING:  Nursing continues to go well.  I've said it before and I'll say it again---Nursing is a MILLION times easier than pumping and feeding!  Seriously.  I have started pumping a bit.  Partly because my supply was down for some reason, and partly because I need to build up a stash for when I go back to work.  (Tears!)  We have tried a bottle a few times and you took it like a champ from the first time on.  You've taken anywhere from 2.5-4 ounces at a time.  (Which the pediatrician confirmed is just right.) During the day, you are nursing about every 3 hours, give or take an hour. You also take your vitamin D oh so nicely.  I hope you continue being such a good eater!  You definitely look chubbier in your 2 month pictures compared to your 1 month pictures.  I love it!

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: You are cooing all the time!  It is the sweetest noise.  We have little conversations all the time and it really seems like you know what I'm talking about. ;)  (Which is usually me rambling about how you're the best little baby!)  You love lights.  You definitely track nicely.  And those smiles!  I can't get enough of them!  It is so fun to get you to smile.  I feel like you definitely respond to my voice and it makes me happy.  Ben doesn't like to miss a good smile either, so thankfully you like to show him your smiles too.

FINE/GROSS MOTOR:  You are getting stronger by the day!  The pediatrician was totally impressed by your super muscles today.  You have good head control and you love bearing weight through though cute little legs.  When you're on your tummy, you kick those little legs until you move forward, and you can really move!  You must have rolled over once too, but I missed it!  I'm sure it won't be long before you're rolling both ways.

As I mentioned before, life with my boys is the BEST.  I know I haven't been blogging much, but that is because we have been busy.  We haven't been going out a ton because of the weather, but we still have had playdates, we went to see the Paddington Bear movie (first movie for both you and Ben), we went to your first Marquette game (I put cotton in your ears and nursed you in the first aid station), we went to see The Very Hungry Caterpillar (a fancy puppet show, essentially), we've gone to the library, and we've visited great grandma too.  Now that I write all these things, I guess we have gone out a bit, but I still feel like we try and stay away from the germs!

Only 3 weeks left of my maternity leave!  It totally flew by, yet at the same time I can hardly remember what life was like without Josh!  I love my baby boys SO VERY MUCH!