Thursday, May 26, 2016

Weekend Recap: Long Overdue!!

This is my attempt at blogging about our weekends once again!  I take sooooo many pictures and the blog at least helps organize them a bit.  Now that Andy will be home more and NOT studying, I anticipate a lot more fun weekends in our future!  I love looking back at these posts, so I really hope I can keep it up.  This past weekend was jam-packed and did not disappoint.  Prepare yourself for lots of photos!

The weather was AMAZING, so we headed to the park to have a picnic dinner.  But  did the boys want to sit by the playground?  No, ma'am/sir.  They wanted to watch the kids playing baseball.  (And of course they didn't want to eat!)  I got a glimpse in to what I imagine my future will be like: Friday nights at the baseball diamond!  Though it will probably also be Saturday and Sunday all day at the diamond as well!

On Saturday morning, Ben graduated from music class.  I can't believe it!  I feel like he just started, even though that was way back when he was only 12 months old!  He was a little shy because he had quite the audience (Nana, Papa John, and Grandpa), but he still did such a great job.  I am so proud of him.  He has become so confident and has developed a love for music.  He is sad that music class is over.  Joshy still has a few more years and Baby Fish #3 can join soon enough too, but it is still hard to believe that Ben is too old now!

After music class, we headed to the petting farm!  It was a HUGE hit.  We've gone before in 2014 and 2013.  I think we went last year too, but I couldn't find a blog post about it.  I did find this post though which made me sad to see how much they have both grown this past year!  Sigh…. But back to the weekend!  Both Ben and Josh were so brave with all of the animals.  First up was the giant pig. 

Now that Ben is older, he noticed all of the other toys and play equipment at the petting farm and he rode one of these giant tricycles to every animal barn we went to. :)

We were able to pull him away from the trike to feed some chickens!

It's official: both of my boys are more brave than me!

The only thing that Joshy didn't seem to like was the horse.  (Sorry Auntie Anna!)  I think it was too big and moving too quickly for his liking.

You'd think they would have been tired after a busy day at the petting farm, but no such luck!  Neither of them napped on the way home or when we got home.  It was such a beautiful night that we wanted to make the most of being outside.  I only managed to take one picture, but that's probably because it was the only time Joshy was sitting still.  :)

After a great night of sleep, we were all up for another day of fun!  Ben and I had a date to see a play that afternoon, so we decided to make the day of going downtown.  We went and fed the ducks with Grandpa.  Always a good time!

It was PERFECT weather, so we decided to eat lunch outside.  It was heavenly.  

Ben is really in to this box making game--whatever it's called!  He's really good at making Bs too!

After lunch, Josh and Andy dropped Ben and I off at the play.  It was "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse" and it was so cute!  Ben really likes the book, and I won a gift certificate for a play at an auction over a year ago, so I finally used it!  We were in the second row and Ben was SO GOOD the entire time!  He is such a good listener. :)  We had so much fun together.  I love when I get one on one time with my boys!

We got to watch the bridge go up and down! 

Ben was finally tuckered out after this!  But don't worry, the nap was literally only like the last 3 minutes of our drive home.  He was then ready to play again.  

Ben's new thing is saying that his tummy does or doesn't want to do something.  My tummy doesn't want to go to sleep.  My tummy really wants to play outside.   This day, his tummy just wanted to go on a bike ride.  Little did his tummy know it didn't want to bike too far!  Ben was happy to direct where he wanted to go, but then forgot that he needs to get back home again.  Josh was perfectly happy in the stroller until Ben took over all of his room and then he wanted me to carry him.  We walked to the site of the new park that is being built but then I carried Josh home while pushing the stroller with Ben and his bike.  Andy was cutting the grass and when we got home, I'm pretty sure I was sweating more than he was. :)

Last, but definitely not least, we checked out Auntie Anna's new apartment.  It is a retirement community turned "opened to anyone" place so there are a lot of older people events like Bingo and movie night afternoon.  There is also a work out room with antiquated equipment.  Ben and Josh didn't mind though!

Well, I'm exhausted reliving our weekend!  Time for bed!  Let's see if I can keep up with this weekend posts!  Long weekend here we come!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

28 Weeks (5/23/2016)

How far along? 28 weeks!   I think I am officially in the third trimester--crazy!

Maternity clothes: I just bought some more summer attire!
Best moment this week:  This past week went so fast!  It was so amazingly wonderful having Andy home on the weekend.  We definitely packed in a lot of fun this past weekend and I hope to do the same this weekend!  And I hope to start blogging about our weekend shenanigans too! 
Miss anything: Just a glass of wine. :)
Movements: Yes, although I don't feel like this baby is as active as the other two thus far.  
Sleep:  Sleep has been pretty good!  I have trouble falling back to sleep after I wake up to go to the bathroom on occasion.  I'm usually sleeping well though--it's great!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor signs: No.
Exercise: I need to get back on my DVDs!  We've been taking walks now that the weather is warmer.  It's so crazy that we were bundled up for Andy's graduation last weekend and now we have our air conditioning on.  
Looking forward to: A 3 day weekend!!  Wooo hoooo!!!

Ben wanted his own picture.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

17 Months (5/18/2016)

GENERAL:  My baby is getting so big!  I can't believe he is almost 1.5 years!  He's developing such a little personality and I just love him soooo much.  I think he has been teething these past few weeks plus he has had a cold, so he has been a little crabbier than usual.  But even when he is a little under the weather, he is still an active, busy little guy!  He adores his big brother and if Ben does it, Josh needs to do it too.  Including spitting, pushing the button to make coffee for daddy, cracking eggs, and brushing his teeth. :)

SLEEP: Josh's sleep has been pretty good.  He is sleeping from around 7:15PM until 6:00AM.  He usually goes to bed without a peep, but there have been a few nights lately where he squawks a bit.  It's nothing that a few extra snuggles can't fix.  There was only one (ROUGH) night recently where I was up with him from 3:00AM on, but overall he has been sleeping well.  We make sure he has 2 nuks at night, just in case he loses the one in his mouth he has a back up.  He seems to be taking earlier naps lately, but if he does then he is done with naps for the day!

EATING: Josh's eating has been pretty typical for him.  He has good days, he has bad days.  He truly seems to eat better for other people that he does for Andy and me, which makes for stressful dinners.  He always wakes up hungry and will feed himself a lot of Cheerios with milk every morning.  He is so good with a spoon and I just love watching him eat his cereal!  He apparently eats pretty well at school.  He made my Mother's Day when he ate some pasta!  (And he has had it several times since then!)  Josh likes grilled cheese, fries, toast, peaches, and (most days) string cheese.  He loves cookies and treats and unfortunately knows where they are stored, if we have anything. ;) Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, he is officially done nursing.  I think it was more because there wasn't anything left, but I also didn't want him to fight the new baby for food, so I'm a little relieved he is done.  :)

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION:  Although he doesn't have a ton of words, he can most definitely communicate what he wants and he makes sure you are understanding him!  His favorite word continues to be MAMA, which he uses approximately 848,627 times per day.  He is also saying Nana, Papa, and Bumpa (grandpa) lately too.  He also says bubbles, one, dog, teeth (when he wants to brush his teeth), cook (for cookies), and more.  I'm sure I'm forgetting others.  He knows lot of animal noises and loves to dance anytime he hears music.  Ben still does a lot of talking for him and is always trying to "rescue" Josh as needed.  (Because Josh is a little dare devil who is not afraid to try new things!)  Joshy is such a sweet little guy and I love when he giggles.  He is really, really, really in to his momma and he will have a huge fit if I leave him, even if I say I will be right back!  I love him to pieces but it's hard to take a shower or get ready with a little boy in my arms.  I am certain I will miss these days, but in the mean time it breaks my heart to hear him scream when I need to put him down to use two hands at one time.  It is exhausting to hold him every waking moment we are together. :)

FINE/GROSS MOTOR:  As mentioned above, Joshy is a busy little trouble maker!  You cannot leave him unattended for more than 5 seconds because he will be coloring on walls, books, and himself or he will be climbing to the highest height possible.  Once he is up wherever he was trying to climb to, he has NO FEAR whatsoever and will jump down or throw himself backwards, knowing that we will catch him.  He will climb on to Ben's bed and then just free fall.  He loves it.  It gives me a heart attack.  He will move pillows so that he can climb on to the coffee table.  He can climb the tiered shelf in the living room.  He can do EVERYTHING!