Sunday, May 31, 2015

Life Lately

I'm writing 2 posts in 4 days! :)  It's a nice, quiet Sunday night over here.  It was a low key (and rainy/chilly) weekend and it was just what we needed.  I'm just going to go through my pictures and recap what we've been up to lately.  I think the biggest events were Ben's graduation at school and our Memorial Day weekend.  I'll start with his school.  Ben has come such a long way from his days of tearful drop offs with his nee nee.

He now actually looks way too old for this toy.  Love the comparison pictures but it makes me sad that he is growing up so quickly!  Now, it looks like he's thinking, "This pig is lame.  Give me some real money."

This past year he was in the toddler room with 1 and 2 year olds.  He will be in the 2 year old room in the fall, so he had a "graduation" on his last day of school.  It was so cute to see him with all of his little friends that he talks about all the time. 

Ben successfully walked over the bridge. :)

I am so proud of this sweet boy.  Love him so much it hurts.

And we love Ms. Sharon!

Here I go again with the comparisons…  (Tear!)

Luckily, Andy hasn't aged a bit!

I hope he always loves school so much!  Josh is going to be joining him at school next year.  Glad he will have his big brother there (in a different room) for protection! ;)

We had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend.  It was gorgeous out so we went to the kite festival by the lake.  Ben was more interested in throwing the football. Too cool for kites, I guess.

We weren't sure that the rain was going to hold off, but thankfully it did and the weather for the Memorial Day parade was perfection!  

Aside from the fire engines (too loud), Ben had so much fun and got a TON of candy.  This is what was left after he ate about 15 pieces during the parade.

But better than all the candy were the 5 tennis balls he got. :)

Let's do another quick flashback, just for fun…

We tried with the family photo this year…

After the parade these boys definitely needed naps.

After nap time, we went to my moms to grill out.  We snuck in a walk to the park too.  Ben never turns down an opportunity to go to the park!  Or an opportunity to display his open mouth smile.  

Auntie Anna had to get in some Joshy smiles.

Even Uncle Joe was there.  Josh got in some R&R.

Nana got her daily fix of Josh smooches.

And Ben needed some R&R too, because let's face it, playing basketball, baseball, football, and golf in a 45 minute time span is exhausting.

It was great weekend, but then again, any day with my 3 guys is pretty much perfection.  Already looking forward to next weekend!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5 Months (5/18/2015)

Time for a break from presentation writing.  I was asked to do this presentation while I was still on maternity leave, and of course it is this weekend and I just started working on it this week. :/  I strongly dislike public speaking and I think I was hoping that they just wouldn't need me to talk about brain tumors and rehab for 45 minutes, but no such luck!  So I'm taking a break to talk about my big 5 month old!  I seriously get sad when I realize how fast he is growing.  I love watching him grow but time seems to be moving extra fast now that there are 2 little boys around.

GENERAL: Josh, this month, you weigh around 12 pounds and 6 ounces and are 24.5 inches long.  You are still the happiest baby in town.  I was certainly blessed with happy and content babies!  You rarely squawk and when you do, it is easy to get that smile back.

SLEEP:  Your sleep isn't horrible, but the stretches could be a little longer, especially at night!  We just put you in your crib for the first time 3 nights ago.  (You had otherwise been in the bassinet in our room.)  The first night was rough, you were up a lot.  The second night you slept from 7:00PM until 4:00AM which I believe is your best and longest stretch of sleep to date!!  Last night, you were up at 11:30PM, ended up back in our room (in our bed, for that matter) and I tried and tried to get you back to sleep, but that didn't happen until around 5:30, I believe.  I was so close to putting you in the jogging stroller and going for a run since sleep didn't seem to be in the picture!  Hoping for a better night tonight!  You still like your morning nap, around 8:00 to 9:00.  You take little cat naps throughout the day, some days they are longer than other.  Let's just say sleep is a work in progress.  Even in the middle of the night, you are happy and smiley and the sweetest little thing!  As tired as we may be, it is impossible to get mad at you!

EATING: Eating has been going pretty well.  You are still way more interested in what is going on around you instead of nursing, but you do a great job of nursing at night.  I'm still pumping my heart out at work.  I think the nanas are still putting a teaspoon of formula in your bottles, but I'm not sure, actually.  Your little rolls are growing, so I think you are doing just fine.  I think you take between 3-6 ounces at a time, usually around 3 times a day when I am at work.  No other foods yet, but we will likely try that next month.  (HOW is that possible already?!)

COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: You LOVE to talk!  Something tells me you will be just like your big brother.  I love listening to you coo and squeal.  You're so serious about it!  You make friends wherever you go with your smiles and giggles.

FINE/GROSS MOTOR: Over this past month, you have REALLY started to move.  You roll, scoot, and inch your way wherever you want to go.  I can hardly believe that you are already army crawling!  You're one determined little guy when you see something you want.  You are really good at reaching for things, even if they are out of reach.  You still put everything and anything in your mouth.  You love to bounce when you are held in a standing position.  We just started putting you in your exersaucer, which you seem to love.  You are also sitting in the highchair, which makes you look extra big!

And last but not least, a little video.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Life Lately

I'm bummed about the frequency of these posts!  I have been working TOO MUCH, in my opinion.  I try my hardest to leave work by 5:00, though it is usually closer to 5:30, but this means I typically leave with several notes to write.  I usually write notes for at least 2 hours in the evening, so that leaves little time for blogging.  Now that Andy is done with school, I really don't want to be doing work from 7:30-10:00 every night!  I'm going to try my hardest to get my work done at work this summer!  But enough whining!   On to the fun!  I can hardly believe that this weekend Josh will already be 5 months old!  He is getting so big!  He rolls all over the place and you really can't leave him on his play mat anymore because he will definitely be on the other side of the room within 30 seconds.  Ben is getting equally grown up and even goes potty on the toilet/potty chair now!!!  He went to school in undies for the first time today.  Proud momma over here!!

I'm going to do my best to recap some of the highlights from the past month.  Josh was baptized on Sunday, April 19.  He was a perfect little angel and didn't cry at all.  In fact, he was grinning from ear to ear.  It was so sweet.

Ben requested a candle on the cake...

Later that day, we went to a funeral for my great uncle Wally.  It was the happiest celebration of life that I've been to in a long while.  

The next day, we went to the Brewers game!  

It was freezing!!!  We had to tailgate in the car.

Ben and Josh didn't mind.  It was fairly warm with the roof of the stadium closed, thankfully!

This past weekend, Ben, Josh, my mom, and I went to Hannah and Emily's dance recital.  Ben loved it!

This past Sunday was Mother's Day, so we were sure to see all of the mothers in our lives!  After mass, we went to brunch at my cousin's house.  

We also visited great grandma in her new place!  Josh loves great-grandma!

I think it's time for bed now!  I think I say this every time, but I'm going to try REALLY hard to keep this little blog of mine up to date!  It's almost time for Josh's 5 month post and I can hardly believe it!