Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekend Recap: Beer Gardening, Running, & Sweatband Wearing

You know it's going to be a good weekend when we kick it off at our new favorite place...the beer garden!  We heart the beer garden.  We are pretty sure Ben does too.  His favorite part is watching all of the other kids play, even though I think he would prefer if he was playing with them.  I tried not to go into Momma bear mode when the kids were not being that nice to him.  (I get it, they don't want to play with the baby, but they weren't even using that green football Ben had his eye on...)  He even wore real shoes for the first time!  He is growing up sooooo fast!!

But who needs the big kids when you have your good ol' dad, right?  And if dad can't make you smile, maybe a super-sized soft pretzel will do the trick.

And if all else fails, Nana never seems to be more than 5 feet away.  That would be 2 Friday nights in a row where she just so happened to be at the same locale as us... ;)

Another one of our summer favorites is the farmer's market.  For some reason we haven't been going as much this summer, but it is always fun when we do go.  Since Ben was boycotting his stroller, we carried him around for the majority of the time.  Not sure if it was the safest move, but we finally were able to put him down when we came to a bridge by the market.  Mr. Curious was loving the river.  Daddy, of course, was loving Ben's interest in nature.   I think they were discussing their plans to go camping in the picture below.  He was telling me about how he could climb beams.  I don't think so, bud!

Saturday afternoon brought yard work for Andy and the zoo with some friends for Ben and me.  He was again boycotting the stroller so there were not enough hands to take any pictures.  I think we're going to go again this weekend so we'll have to try again.  We had a low-key Saturday night in preparation for the Color Run on Sunday!  Ben got in his warm up before the big race.  I CANNOT get enough of him in this sweatband.  He has the best hair EVER.

Although I had many concerned friends, for the record Ben did not actually participate in the Color Run.  He watched and cheered from a distance with Grandpa.

Before & After
Despite the name the Color Run, it felt like Andy and I were the only ones running.  Even though we have not run at all since the half, we were able to crank out the 5k in less than 28 minutes.  (Thank you, 2 weeks worth of Insanity DVDs.)  This includes stopping and kissing Ben whenever we saw him and my dad.

Again, in love with my boy in his sweatband.   While it was not the most, and perhaps the least, competitive run we have done, we still had a blast!

We ended our Sunday evening by celebrating Andy's dad's birthday at his parents' house.  We grilled out and Ben got to play with his one and only cousin, so of course he had fun!  Unfortunately, I forgot to take some pictures, but rest assured it was a fantastic ending to a fun weekend.  Happy Monday!

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