Thursday, July 26, 2012

Week 30

30 Weeks: 7/25/2012
How far along? 30 weeks
Maternity clothes? I found a few clearance skirts at Target!  I don't think they are actually maternity and they are not as professional looking as I would have liked, but they are comfortable which is my priority these days!  Now I am thinking I may need more tops as my tummy continues to grow.
Best moment this week: Finding out that Baby Fish is doing well!  I had quite a scare on Tuesday.  He wasn't moving as much as usual, so I ended up going in to the doc and they did a biophysical profile test.  He got an "A+" thankfully!  My amniotic fluid level is a bit high, so that could be the reason I am not feeling as many movements as I would like!
Miss anything? Not really.  I do miss sleeping through the night, I suppose.
Movement:  Yep!  He has perked up a bit since Tuesday and has been moving like crazy!
Food cravings:  No cravings, just hungry often.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Strong odors are not my thing!
Labor signs: No, and I think the Braxton Hicks contractions have decreased.
Exercise: I'm still doing yoga, arm weights, and dog walks!
Looking forward to:  We have another fetal/maternal doc appointment tomorrow, but since we just had an appointment on Tuesday, I'm not too anxious for this one.  SUPER excited for my friends Jen and Tyler's wedding shower this weekend in Lake Geneva!  I haven't seen them in way too long!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Week 29

29 Weeks: 7/18/2012
(**Docs said I would deliver at 39 weeks at the latest!!**)

How far along? 29 weeks
Maternity clothes? Slowly but surely, my clothes are getting a little more snug.  I may need to invest in a new maternity skirt or 2 for work.  I have been wearing a non-maternity skirt with an elastic waist, but even that one is not as comfortable as it use to be.
Best moment this week: I had the most beautiful, thoughtful, and creative baby shower!  It was seriously the cutest shower ever!  My fabulous hostesses (mom, mother in law, sis Anna, cousin Maria, and amazing friend Maggie) planned out every last detail just perfectly. I wish I would have taken some better pics, but I'll try and post a few.  Everything from the food to the decor and of course the company was just perfect!  Not to mention, Baby Fish was spoiled with wonderful gifts!
Miss anything? Working out more intensely.
Movement:  Swimming along nicely. :)
Food cravings:  Just food in general!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  I am getting a little more sensitive to smells again.  Ick.  Easy on the perfume/cologne, people!
Labor signs: No, just those Braxton Hicks contractions.
Exercise: Yoga and arm weights these days.  We also go on walks when it is not too too hot!
Looking forward to:  My friend Amy had her baby today!!  We had yoga last night, and then what do you know, the little man decided to make his debut a month early.  Thankfully mom and baby are doing great!  I got to meet him already too and he is such a sweetheart.   I'm looking forward to Baby Fish meeting him as well!   I'm also excited that we are going to a wedding this weekend!  I hope it isn't too hot since it is going to be outside on the rooftop of the Milwaukee Athletic Club.  It should be fun though!  :)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Week 28

28 Weeks: 7/11/2012

How far along? 28 weeks
Maternity clothes? Thankfully, this week isn't as hot has it has been!  (It still hasn't rained in ages though!)  Just trying to stay cool and comfortable: skirts and tanks or dresses.
Best moment this week: We had 2 doctors appointments this week and got our best ultrasound pics yet!  I also passed my glucose tolerance test with flying colors.  We had a fabulous time up north too!
Miss anything? Not really, just sleeping through the night, but I know that is practice for things to come. :)
Movement:  He is still moving away!  I get nervous if I don't feel him move for awhile though.
Food cravings:  I continue to have quite the appetite!  I still have to do my "midnight snack prevention program," yet unfortunately I still need a 4:00am snack on occasion!
Anything making you queasy or sick:  No.
Labor signs: No, but I should have mentioned last week that I am definitely noticing those Braxton Hicks contractions!  They do not hurt, but they do make me nervous that I am going to go into labor too early.
Exercise: Well, the doctor said I should stop running, but I can (and should) keep exercising.  I am going to try and walk more and still do some arm weights.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy most of the time!  This week was a little rough because of some news from the docs, but overall I am still happy and so excited for the little guy to arrive!
Looking forward to: I am having a baby shower this weekend!  My mom, mother-in-law, sis, cousin, and sweet friend Maggie are throwing a baby shower for me and the babe!  Looking forward to seeing everyone!! :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Week 27

27 Weeks: 7/4/2012
How far along? 27 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yet another hot week!  I continue to try and wear as little clothing as possible.  (Within reason, of course!)
Best moment this week:  Today is the 4th of July which is really high on my list of favorite holidays!  We went to the parade this morning and then over to our friends' house.  It was fun but HOT!  It was over 100 degrees today and tomorrow it is suppose to be even hotter!  We had a great time this past weekend at Cameo Rose Bed and Breakfast.  It was so peaceful!  The B&B is on 120 acres so we did a little hiking until we were too sweaty to continue!  We also made a stop at the New Glarus Brewery.  One of us enjoyed that more than the other. ;)
Miss Anything? Not really, although I miss not being HOT all of the time!
Movement:  He's an active and a strong one!  I love being able to feel AND see his little movements!
Food cravings: Still just craving food in general!  I read today that I now should be trying to eat an extra 450 calories a day!  I hope I'm eating enough healthy stuff for the little man.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  No.
Labor Signs: No!
Exercise:  Still running occasionally and doing some arms and leg exercises.  Too hot for dog walking!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: 6 days until our next ultrasound!  In the mean time, looking forward to this weekend!  We are going to our friend's condo in the Dells area and spending our time eating, lounging, and boating.  More R&R and thankfully it is only suppose to be in the 80's as opposed to the 100's!  Can you tell we are trying to live it up while we have more freedom?  Thank you, sis, for doggy sitting yet again!