I am writing this from home and I could not be happier! Andy and I are both relaxing in bed with our laptops, writing blog/caringbridge posts, and anticipating that we will physically not be able to keep our eyes open for too much longer. We contemplated some vino but these posts would never get written if that was the case.
That being said, I will probably let the pictures do most of the talking tonight!
I love this picture of my boys and I forgot to add it yesterday.
Last minute snuggles with Daddy. I think he knew something was up. |
Ben played his little heart out yesterday. We were giving him tylenol about every 4-6 hours, but this was only because we were anticipating he would need it. I can honestly and happily say I do not think he was having pain. Since I had barely eaten all day, my fabulous mom brought us some Maggiano's. Mmmmm! Ben gave Nana a tour of his room before falling asleep in her arms. He slept from about 6:30-9:00, had a bottle, went back to sleep until 3:30, had another bottle, and then slept until 6:00 which was prefect timing for the surgery team that was rounding. I wish I could say that my sleep was equally awesome--too happy to sleep! The team was pleased with how well he was doing and said that he would
probably be able to be discharged later.
"Check out my view, Nana!!" |
In my head I was thinking that there was absolutely no reason he was not ready for discharge. However, we had nowhere to go but home so I didn't want to push things. We had great RNs this time around, but at the same time, there was nothing that was being done in the hospital that we couldn't have managed at home. (He wasn't even hooked up to a pulse ox or an IV overnight!) But, instead of stressing, I enjoyed every minute that I was able to be with Ben. Little guy has gotten LOTS of snuggles and naps while he is being held over the past few days. He is just so loveable--how can you resist?!
In between naps, we had a few more visits from some awesome co-workers, went to visit some of my RN friends on another floor, and took a trip to the lobby for breakfast. We obviously had to check out the fish tank, but oddly enough Baby Fish was not a fan!
We got the green light to go at around 11:30. The last thing to do before leaving was to take out the IV. I may or may not have taken it out for him the last time he had one, and maybe I should have considered taking it out today. ;) I didn't exactly see what happened, but all of sudden I sensed panic and looked to see blood all over the floor. Ben was screaming and a decent amount of blood was everywhere including on Andy's clothes. This was the only time that Ben was really upset the whole time he was in the hospital! The poor nurse too! I am just thankful this did not cause her 9 month pregnant self to go into labor!
The Before: He didn't mess with it the whole time! The After: Poor little piggies! |
We received our discharge paperwork and we were out the door! I feel dramatic writing this because we were only there for one night, but it feels soooo good to be home! I think Ben was happy about this too. He crashed (in his bed) almost immediately after we got home.
Ben is so loved! The little guy even got flowers sent to him in the shape of a doggy! So cute! And of course, Auntie Anna wanted in on Benji snuggles. I cannot even count the number of people who were thinking about and praying for Ben not only this week, but always--even before he was born!
After he became reacquainted with all of his toys and ate like a champ, it was time for bed. We read our favorite book, "A Very Special Me" and it was off to dreamland. (This book was written by the mother of a little girl who was born with an omphalocele. The book talks about how special "o" babies are and it brings a tear to my eye every time.) These babies are truly special. I am still in total amazement that we were in and out of the hospital in just over 24 hours! Ben is my inspiration and I am infinitely blessed to be his momma! And I am totally jealous that he sat so nicely to read with daddy but tried to eat it when I was reading.
I should probably proof this before posting but I am exhausted and I know some of you are expecting some pics. Goodnight!
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