(Note to self: cell phone camera adds some nice poundage! Bottom left picture was taken with my real camera. ;) ) |
Dear Ben,
Happy 9 months!
GENERAL: You had your 9 month check up on the 13th and the official stats are that you weigh 15 pounds and 10 ounces and you are 27 inches. We are so excited that you've hit the growth chart for height! You are in the 8th percentile for height and you're
almost on the chart for weight. We are just so proud of how well you are growing. Babies with special tummies like you usually have a really hard time growing and gaining weight, but you are doing such a great job! We actually switched pediatricians and you're now seeing my old pediatrician! (Who, unfortunately, is moving, so we'll need to find another one.) I am glad you got to meet him though! He remembered Nana from nearly 30 years ago! He said you are right on track for everything and that you are one healthy boy! You have your first tummy surgery coming up on Monday, so momma and daddy are getting a little nervous. Luckily, you are much tougher than we are!
Grocery shopping with Nana. |
EATING: You are starting to eat more and more baby foods. You really like yogurt! Any and all kinds of yogurt seem to be your favorite. You especially love the raspberry/spinach/greek yogurt combo. (From the store, we haven't really been making baby food...) We are trying to get better at feeding you three (food) meals a day. You are still getting your breast milk/formula bottles, which you love. I am not sure if I mentioned this in a previous post, but you are done with nursing. No interest in or time for that! (You just want to make me do lots of work pumping! Which I do, because I know it is good for you!!) Slowly but surely, you are starting to like the non-baby food foods such as puffs. However, most of them end up on the floor and then in Rosco's belly. We'll keep working on this! You now have 2 little bottom teeth peeking through! (We noticed them on Memorial Day.) Aside from the drooling, which you had been doing for months, we couldn't even tell you were teething! Such a tough little guy!
Ice cream & Ice water |
SLEEP: As I am writing this, we're coming off of 2 not so great nights of sleep. You've been getting up around midnight and then around 4:00 and at this time, you're not wanting to sleep unless you are being held. For the most part though, I think you are a good sleeper. We still cannot put you to sleep awake, but after you are fully recovered from your surgery, we are going to work on this more! You take 2-3 naps a day with your longest nap being around 2 hours in the morning. You still tend to go down for your morning nap quite early. I'm hoping we get back on a schedule where you're sleeping until at least 5:00! (Although 6:00 or later would be even better!)
I guess (nana and) I take a lot of pics of you sleeping. |
FINE/GROSS MOTOR: You are such a speedy crawler! You are pulling yourself up on everything, climbing shelves, and even crawling up stairs. You can push your little car around while walking all by yourself. We are going to get you one of those playpen yards because we cannot take our eyes off of you for a second! I think we can say that you officially took your first step! (And then fell immediately after, but I think that counts.) You can stand for about 10 seconds at a time, and maybe a little longer if you are holding a toy in your hands. Speaking of toys, anything and everything is a fun toy to you! :) You love knobs, drawers, laundry baskets, the wine bottle rack, and cords. In fact, you even have a way of finding all of the non-toy objects in a room.
Watching the guys cut the grass across the street. |
COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: You seem to babble more and more (and louder and louder) every day! We hear a lot of "ma ma ma ma ma ma" but there are other syllables thrown in there too. You have yet to call me "mama" though! (No "dada" for daddy either.) You are such an inquisitive little guy! Exploring is your favorite thing to do. You are also quite determined--if there is something you want, you will figure out how to get it. (Often with cute grunting noises.) You are starting to get some stranger anxiety and you often cry if I am out of sight. While I love that you love your momma, it also makes me sad when you're sad. If you hear my voice from another room, you stop what you're doing and crawl as fast as you can to find me. It is sooooo cute. You definitely like to be by your momma and daddy. When you wake up in the morning, if only one of us goes to get you, you are looking around for the other.
Relaxing with Uncle Joe |
FAVORITE THINGS: I am adding a new category because there are so many things that you love! You can't get enough of your light up/music play table, your maraca, all water bottles, real and play keys, cell phone/laptop-- you don't get those, watching Rosco, sitting in your lobster chair while we eat dinner, pulling out drawers, stacks of books, and momma's necklaces. I am sure there are many things that I am missing at the moment, but this is what comes to mind right away.
I love you so much, Benji! You make every day a great day! xoxo
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