Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Baby FIsh…Round 2: 12 Weeks

I am beyond excited to announce that Baby Fish #2 is due to arrive in December 2014, just in time for Christmas!!  We, Ben included, are thrilled to be welcoming another little love into the family!  Here come the weekly bump pics! ;)

How far along? 12 weeks
Maternity clothes? I've been pulling out a few things here and there, more to just add some variety to my wardrobe since I recently purged my closets.  :)  I definitely feel like I've been showing for awhile now though!  Much earlier than last time.  I'm still in my regular clothes though.  
Best moment this week: Hitting the 12 week mark without any issues was pretty darn exciting!  We are going to wait until after the first trimester screen next Wednesday before sharing our good news with more people!
Miss anything? Nope.  I was tired for awhile, but for the most part, I've felt so great these past 12 weeks.  Feeling blessed and happy that it has been an uneventful first trimester.  People with non-high-risk pregnancies don't know how good they have it!!
Movement:  Sometimes I think I feel something, but I'm sure I don't quite yet.  :)  I can't wait 'til I do though!  Baby movements are the BEST.  
Sleep: Going to bed around 9:00 or so and getting up around 5:00-6:00.  I really can't complain at all.  I'm typically sleeping through the night too.  
Food cravings:  Not really.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.  
Labor signs: No way.
Exercise: I am so happy to say that I have been working out a lot this pregnancy thus far!  Maybe that is why I am feeling so good.  I've been running several times per week in the morning before work.  (Thanks for the early wakeup calls, Benj!)
Looking forward to:  Wednesday, the 18th!  Can't wait to see that little babe (again!)  Hoping and praying that everything looks great!  From what he could tell, the OB said that the abdominal wall looks great thus far!

PS I am finally publishing this and the rest of my weekly baby bump posts at 23 weeks!  I'm going to try and post them weekly and on time from now on.  The boards are simple black and white writing this time because I barely have time to take these before work in the morning!  Truth be told, the dates on the pictures probably do not match the date the pictures were actually taken.  They might even be a week (or more) off.  I am hoping that now that I am posting these for all to see, I will be more prompt with my photos and postings, but we shall see!  There are not enough hours in the day!

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