Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Weekend Recap: House Projects & Picnics

Happy Tuesday!  Almost to the halfway point for the week--woo hoo!  In case you didn't know, I live for the weekends, and we only have one precious weekend left before Andy starts school.  (i.e. before Andy is gone every other weekend & doing homework on the weekends he is home!)  As much as we want to have non-stop fun all weekend, I also have a huge list of house/yard/garage projects that I want to complete before Andy's gone and I'm too large to be functional.  (You know, cleaning the gutters, power-washing the house, cutting tree branches, etc.)  The point of my rambling is that this wasn't the most exciting weekend, but we were sure productive!

Andy was out of town on Friday night, but luckily he made it home in time for swimming!  We did our usual daddy/Benji swim while momma watches.  The plan for swimming lessons was supposed to be that I was going to work out while the boys swam, but Ben likes when I watch him, so I can't resist.  Watching him jump off the side never gets old.  I love how he shakes his head at the end of this video, just like Andy does after he comes up from being under water.  :)

After our usual trip to the Farmer's Market, we went back to do some serious house projects.  We should have known better that trying to clean out the garage when Ben was there was actually counterproductive, and thus, it was time for WATER BALLOONS!  I first have to mention that it took drama king Benji at least 20 minutes for me to get him to eat one, yes ONE, teeny tiny soy bean.  The balloons definitely had his attention, but there were many tears and he ultimately ate the measly bean with a grape.  Sigh…  He was all smiles again as soon as he got to hold a balloon!

We only had fairly sturdy balloons, so we had to fill them pretty full so that they would break.   Actually, Ben probably would have preferred if they never broke, because he was definitely sad every time one popped. 

But alas, Andy would fill up another one, and all would be right in Ben's world once again.

He eventually really started to get the hang of them…

And he even started to get a little daring, swinging them around.

But ultimately, he let daddy do the dirty work of popping the balloons while he watched from a distance.  

And then he realized that it was actually more fun throwing the balloons at Daddy's knee.

Despite the lengthy balloon break, we were fairly productive the rest of the afternoon.  We completely cleaned out the garage and we finally got rid of (donated) our old washer and dryer.  Most of our work was able to be completed when a certain someone finally decided to nap.  (With 3 nee nees (aka nuks) of course…)

My mom stopped over later on Saturday afternoon and asked if she could take Ben so we could have a date night.   She didn't have to ask us twice!!  We actually haven't had a date night in a long time and we definitely needed it!  Thank you, mom!!!  You are the best!!

We met Ben at the park after dinner, and I love comparing these videos of Ben from just over a year apart.  Same boy.  Same park.  Different skills.  


On Sunday morning, we left fairly early to head out to Andy's back to school picnic.  We were in the neighborhood, so we stopped by to see our dear friend Maggie.  We didn't get to hang out too long, but got to walk to the zoo for a quick visit.  We love seeing Maggie and we hope to have many, many more trips to see her over the next 2 years that Andy is in school!

Our next stop was the picnic and it was so nice!  Andy got to meet many of his classmates and we got to meet their families as well.  I think it made Andy extra excited to start school---even I was getting excited!  Ben definitely had fun, and I spent most of the time chasing Ben from ball to ball.  He was loving life and didn't have time to stop to eat.  (And the food spread was amazing!)  Ben just LOVES playing outside.  As excited as he was to see Maddie, he wasn't digging her plan to sit nicely and play with bubbles for a few hours.  :)

Last but not least, we went to Andy's parents' house to celebrate the August birthdays.  I keep forgetting that my birthday is in August.  Different priorities these days, I guess!  It was such a nice dinner and believe it or not, Ben still had more energy to play for a few more hours.  He even snuck into the August bday picture.  :)

All in all, it was a fantastic weekend.  This coming weekend is our (Andy's) last weekend of freedom so you better believe we will make the best of it!  (He is actually reading his pre-school homework as I write this…)

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