Thursday, December 11, 2014

Weekend Recap: St. Nick & Santa!

Despite all of the germs that are floating around our house, we are still trying out hardest to enjoy this holiday season!  We couldn't let St. Nick miss our house!  Andy was gone at school last weekend, so we asked St. Nick to come early.  (He did!)  Ben wasn't totally getting the whole, "you have to be good because St. Nick is watching you" deal, but thankfully he was pretty good so we didn't have to take away his stocking before he got it.  He had a great time dumping out everything and checking out his goodies!

I took my eye off of him for a minute and he was far too quite for my liking.  Where did I find him?  Acting innocent with a nee nee in his mouth.  It turns out he had colored on the window sill with his new green marker, but he ran to get a baby wipe and actually did a great job cleaning it up while repeating, "only color on paper" to himself.  Hard to be mad at the sweet little guy.  :)

Ben and I were supposed to meet up with Maddie and Sarah on Friday night for an outdoor tree lighting, but his nose was running like a fountain and I still wasn't feeling too hot, so we decided to stay home.  Besides, he had to rest of up for his big breakfast with Santa on Saturday!  My mom and I took him to see Santa at a hotel downtown.  It was really fancy--probably a little too fancy (and pricey) for what it was, but we sure had fun!

Nothing but the finest utensils before seeing Santa!  (He had approximately 3 bites total.)

Getting to meet Santa after breakfast wasn't the greatest motivator to get him to eat…

After Santa arrived, the line was pretty long, so we decorated gingerbread cookies and wrote letters to Santa while we waiting for the line to die down.

I'm pretty sure Ben's letter said, "I want footballs."  (Pretty darn good footballs if I do say so myself.)

We talked up Santa the whole time we were in line, and I really thought he was going to be fine with him, but no such luck.  I attempted to put him on Santa's lap, but he arched his back and kicked his legs and at 18 months pregnant, I had no chance of winning this one.  

He was still brave though, and he told Santa he wants a baby brother for Christmas.  It was the cutest!  Santa wasn't sure if he would be able to provide that, but I assured him I would take care of it.  ;)

We did manage to get somewhat of a picture with Santa!

He wouldn't even give Santa a one-finger touch.

He was a happy camper again when he was back with Nana and Momma….and a candy cane. 

Oh, and fruit loops.

He had no interest in pictures by the gorgeous tree.  

Meeting Santa is exhausting.  He was out in no time at all!

Saturday night was probably our last night out as parents of an only child!  It was my work Christmas party, so Ben had a sleepover at my mom's while Andy and I were out on the town.  We didn't partake in the karaoke but my belly and I did manage to get in a little "Cupid Shuffle."

Sunday was a fairly lazy day.  I don't have a lot of pictures, but we went to Auntie Anna's for a chili party for lunch.  It was delicious.  I also attempted to be crafty and made some Christmas gifts for my co-workers.  My chocolate covered pretzels were a huge disaster, but Andy was able to sort of salvage them and he claims they were still tasty!  Look at these things!!  Hard to tell what they are...

The final product wasn't quite what I had envisioned, but it was still fairly cute.  

On Sunday night, we went to dinner with some friends we hadn't seen in forever before we called it a weekend.  I hope this coming weekend I will finally pack my hospital bag, detox the house, and get some of baby boy's clothes washed and ready to go!  I can't believe I haven't done this yet! 

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