Before I knew it, he was throwing up. :( It was so sad. He was crying, confused about what was going on. I was THIS close to begging Andy to come home for the night. It was a whole lot of snuggling on Friday night. There is nothing worse than a sick Benji!!
Luckily my mom stopped by to check in, but by that point he seemed to be on the mend. Thankfully, he slept through the night without issues and woke up ready to eat. He has only vomited one other time in his short little life, and of course it was one of the few nights that Andy was away. We are still not 100% over here and I think Andy is getting sick too, but hopefully we will all be healthy again before Baby Brother arrives! We had been planning on going to a Marquette basketball game with my dad on Saturday morning for several weeks, so I was really hoping he would feel better. He was MUCH better when he woke up, though still a little tired. Thankfully he took a nice morning nap so we decided to go to the game. (With barf bag in tow, just in case.) Our tickets were so amazing (thanks Kim & Chris!!) and we were so close that I think Ben was initially a little overwhelmed.
Once he got used to things, he was in heaven! He watched most of the game and he is still talking about it. "Tip off! Throw the basketball so high!" As if the game wasn't fun enough, Ben and grandpa went on a walk and came back with a basketball, which was pretty much the icing on the cake! This kid LOVES his basketballs!
Meanwhile, I was looking like I had eaten a basketball myself.
We didn't last the whole game, but it was fun nonetheless! Thanks for coming with us, Grandpa!
Although the weekend turned out to be much better and easier than I was thinking it would be after Ben got sick, I was still doing cartwheels cheering and jumping up and down when Andy got home. While a glass of wine would have been nice, I settled for some sparkling grape juice and a pomegranate.

Ben woke up on Sunday feeling even better than he did the day before. Everyone feels better when Daddy is home! He and Andy were up to their usual Sunday morning activities.
I tried to get a little more prepared for baby cleaning and bringing up all of the baby stuff from the basement. I forgot how much stuff little babies have!! Ben was testing everything to make sure it will be acceptable for his little brother… I can't wait to see what he thinks of him! I anticipate that there just might be a wee bit of jealousy…
On Sunday afternoon, we were invited to a birthday party for the son of one of Andy's new friends from school. It was at one of those places with indoor inflatable bouncy houses. Ben was more interested in the balls. (Shocker!)
He loved it though!
I spent most of my time parked here…
But I did manage to get a few jumps in!
Though not as high as Andy!
It's hard to tell from this picture, but Ben had a blast and he cried when we left. "Want to go to that party again." This picture cracks me up. ;)
So even though our weekend started a little rocky, everything turned out to be pretty darn good. After all, at least it was a WEEKEND!
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