GENERAL: Josh, you are just over 14 pounds and are 25.75inches. As usual, I've been worrying about if you're eating enough, but you keep on growing. I asked Nana to take you to the pediatrician for a weight check, and they were pleased with how you're growing, so I'm going to try not to stress too much. You're still a mellow, happy guy, though you're not really a fan of driving in the car. I'm hoping that you start liking it more, because I'm in a minivan road trip state of mind lately...
SLEEP: You gave me a FABULOUS birthday gift of sleeping through the night last night! We were out kind of late celebrating, so you didn't actually go down to sleep until about 9:00 (you were sleeping in your car seat before this though) and you didn't wake up until 7:15ish!! We have yet to have 2 consecutive nights of great sleep, but I can dream! You are typically going down around 7:30ish, and then waking up to eat at around 12:00-1:00 and then again at 5:00ish, and wake up for the morning at about 7:00. You've been going down for your morning naps so nicely. The afternoon nap has been pretty good too. I think your naps are usually around an hour, but sometimes up to 2+ hours. We can put you in your bed awake, you will wiggle your way in to a corner of the crib, and then fall right to sleep.
EATING: You love food! I'm still not sure if you have enough milk during the day, but you like solids! It is so fun to feed you because you will eat just about anything. I'm still nursing in the morning and before bed, and then I pump when I'm at work and you get bottles. We're still going strong! We haven't used a drop of formula yet and I'm pretty proud of this. As far as food goes, you go through these cheese puff things so quickly. One day, you at almost an entire canister. We're still doing the baby cereal and baby oatmeal, which you seem to like. You have been eating baby yogurt and other baby foods lately. I'm not sure what your favorite food is just yet! You also pound your little fists on to your high chair when you want more!
COMMUNICATION/COGNITION: You're into screaming LOUDLY these days! We were at a restaurant over the weekend and a lady commented that she couldn't believe such a big noise came from such a little guy. I think it's when you want a little more attention or when you want to be louder than everything else in a room. You love listening to music/singing and will calm instantly if Ben starts to sing you "Twinkle, Twinkle." You love hearing Ben's voice and if you're nursing, you will stop what your doing and turn your little head around the room, looking for your big bro. We are working on teaching you some signs. You've been clapping for awhile now, pretty much on command, but you're also starting to do "so big."
FINE/GROSS MOTOR: You have the cutest little bear crawl/ spider monkey crawl going on and it is so fun to watch! You're FAST and you're always on the go. It was quite hard to get these pictures this month because you did not want to stay still! You are putting everything in your mouth which is scary because Ben has lots of little, chokeable things. We have to keep 2 eyes on you at all time. I think it's time to baby proof the house again. You seem to have a way of finding the cords you shouldn't play with, the mirror in your room, and the glasses on our new drink cart.
Josh was more interested in Ben than he was in making his 8 month video. I love watching my boys together!
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